Sunday, November 16

Paper Stars...

A good movie & a craft project...
I had a great time choosing from our
piles of paper scraps...

Paper covered stars that I read about on
Beyond The Picket Fence's site!
Her's are gorgeous~
Please stop by & view her tutorial.

These photos are a bit washed out...
I needed to get outside for more light...

I have seen these stars in all shapes & sizes
at discount stores...also Christmas Tree Shop.

These were gifts from a very sweet friend...
Misty...tell your momma thanks again!

Two different profiles.
Some are soft folds & shallow~
Others have sharp, deep angles.

These could be just the start of a fantastic
mixed media collage!


  1. Hi Michelle!
    I have missed being here!
    I enjoy your projects. You are inspiring and fun!

    I have tagged you! You are suppose to list 15 things you aren't afraid to admit. You can see what I did on my blog. I remember you tagging me a ways back, so I'm going to do that too. So sorry it's been so long!

  2. Michelle,
    I have searched your blog and cannot find your tag - I know you tagged me. Please forgive me for not answering it.
    If you can tell me what date it's listed under, I would love to respond.

  3. Michelle, these turned out beautifully! Thanks for the link too--I appreciate it. Have a good week!

  4. These are fabulous! What a great idea and usage for paper scraps (I am a softee for stars...) If I ever get a break, I may have to try this one.
