Thursday, November 20

Kids Christmas Two...

Snowman Heads!

Christmas Craft #2 for kids...
These are great fun & cost very little to make.
Photos of materials are at the end of this blog.

Kids socks for hats!
If you don't have any little ones left~
Try thrift stores baby section...

Crackle medium for kids who like to take
a little more time with projects.

Add an antiquing medium for aged look.

Simple ribbons, buttons, snowflakes, lace~

It's all in the nose!
I like Sculpy or Fimo bake hard clays.
You can mix a few colors for the perfect carrot!
Mix same brand products

So here's what we do...

Roll up several pieces of tin foil,
shaped~ but not tight...recycled is great!
Mix the paper clay...directions on the package.
Cover the foil "like your making a meatball."
These will need to air dry completely.

Paint & you're ready to add hats & noses!
Paint the dry paper balls brown...let dry.
Paint the dry "meatball-looking" balls
with crackle medium, let dry.
Paint a white/off white top coat & let dry.
LOVE the crackle texture...
Antique with medium if you want...

I do seal with a clear/satin spray paint...
Makes them a bit more durable.

To make the noses.
We roll the clay into a long rope.
With a thin knife, make the little lines
to look like carrot creases~
Cut into nose lengths.
Shape them into fun noses! Some curl up!
Bake according to directions.

When noses are ready...parents might need
to help make the nose hole.
I use an awl with much care. Best to set
the finished head on a safe surface, push gently...
(Please do not hold in your hand)
Make the hole close to the exact size
of the clay nose. Glue it in!

Add eyes & mouth...
Paint? Nails? Buttons?

Hat time!
Cut the foot part off the sock...
The calf end is around the snowman's head...
The other end can be tied with a piece of string~

Add a hook or string to hang from the tree...
There you have a sweet little
home made ornament!

Adults can make large ones...with socks!
Tiny ones can be made (no tinfoil needed)
The mitten with no match...the fingers
are perfect for tiny hats!

Hope you have fun~


  1. These look so cute. Thanks for the detailed instructions. Thank you so much for the very sweet comments you left on my post. Have a warm, beautiful day! Twyla

  2. These are so cute! Kitties next?
    Laurie painted a kitty on her spoon and someone outbid me!

    Are you playing "hookey"? ;-)


  3. These were actually from 8 years ago! My last open house~ Found them when I was sorting artist samples! We're always making something out of the paper clay~ I'm sure you'll see new things popping up here n' there with it...hard to believe this package hasn't been opened!
    No hookey yet...still caught up in deadlines~
    Next week, maybe!

  4. Ah! These are darling! (and I love being able to find uses for things like kids' socks-without-mates! Very virtuous feeling!)
