Friday, October 3

Puddle Jumpers...

We cannot figure out why...
now that it has become so cold~
Where all the frogs are coming from
and going to?

No matter what time of day...
the past few weeks...
Frogs crossing the roads!

It seems like it is some sort of game.
They hear a car coming and all begin
to dash across, wait at the side~
'til they hear another car coming...
then they decide to hop back across.

They will soon need snow boots!


  1. Hi!

    Please, Michelle, don't do a lot of work posting info for me! You are busy, I know, and I didn't mean to be a bother-I'm only curious...

    I love the toads and have seen a few lately. I don't like them to be on the roads. I always want to get out of the car, and carry them home.
    That old illustration is great.
    Love, Debra

  2. Debra~ NEVER a bother...I just want to make sure you get the best I asked a friend in the field where to get information on licensing...the book.
    It is very difficult for me to put images to the blog...I have to figure out how to make my scans into "small files" so that pirates don't lift ("save as") my designs...My computer skills are very limited~ so I PROMISE put things on soon...
    I have had a few people "steal" designs & turn them into store logos, wall clings, note cards etc. ~ it's frustrating.
    I'll get it figured out!
    I promise~
    Hope you have a great weekend...
