Thursday, October 9

People Make A Difference...

Thankful for so many people in my life
that have made a HUGE difference...
just by being kind.

"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the Lord determines his steps."
Proverbs 16:9


  1. Michelle, I already knew your story because we've been friends for awhile now and we both shared how we got started. reading it again, it brought tears to my eyes. You're right - there are no coincidences in life - only God-incidences.

    I know exactly how you feel!

    Hugs! Diane

  2. Oh Michelle...
    I am sitting here, eyes watering. You don't know how YOU are an answer to MY prayers.
    I am in awe of His timing also.
    I loved your story, and identify with the awkwardness part of it-dealing with people, etc. Someone local did give me a chance last year at Earth Works Art Gallery. She let me show 12 paintings. I was totally unknown, the whole thing...and then this year she called me to be in a weekend show. I did sell one doll! I was so happy-it paid for my entry fee.Good experience too. There's so much to learn. I know what you mean about having a style, and that's what people are looking for. It's harder with the dolls for me, because I'm really experimenting with them. But I do have my own style in painting I think. I am not a confident person(except in God), so that is a hurdle I struggle with. Lately He has given me something else, and I can't quite tell it in words..but I guess it has to do with you. You are a proof to me that He is really hearing me on this stuff. That's why I was so sobby(!) when we first stared writing-it's so amazing to actually SEE His hand. Your encouragement and help means SO MUCH to me. I can't even express it.
    Enough about ME.
    Thank you thank you thank you-well, I just gotta go get a tissue.
    I've written a book here anyway.
    I LOVED your story.
    Love, Debra
    PS Please forgive all the self-focused stuff. xxoo

  3. Debra~
    God puts people together...I'm glad we "know" each other!
    So good to hear you're jumping in with different opportunities. It is so difficult to be a salesperson. Stressful. But the feedback, both positive and negative is good to hear. Take it with a grain of salt...sort it out & see what may be true -vs- opinion. I've always remembered from watching sports, the people in the stands are PERFECT...they could have made the play! But the ones down on the fields being paid millions~ must be clueless! Teehee....well, same with art. I heard it all. Some of it was very humbling & helpful~ others were not going to spend a penny...and they were just cheap critics. People don't have respect at times, walking around shows...they seem to forget the artist may be nearby. They would find a way to criticize the beauty of a rose.
    Keep painting~
    Keep your chin up n' know He gave you talents for His glory...and your enjoyment!
    Man, I LOVE being creative!
    Always wishing you the best~
