Tuesday, October 7

Frosty Morn...

What sunshine is to flowers,
smiles are to humanity.
They are but trifles, to be sure~ but,
scattered along life's pathway,
the good they do is inconceivable.
Joseph Addison


  1. I LOVE those photos of the frost! We are still weeks away from frost, but it looks so beautiful, like fairy dust all over the garden.

  2. Michelle, your photos are beautiful! The frost looks like sugar coating! I guess you put your coat, gloves and scarf on this morning! Not me! I'm hibernating already! I do NOT like the cold at all. I like snow, but like it best when I'm INSIDE looking out the windows at it with the fireplace going and a cup of hot chocolate next to me!


  3. I think you had it worse than we did-but I love the beauty of frost.
    I especially love the Queen Anne's lace frosted up.
    I'm looking forward to catching the beauty of winter with my camera.
    How's work going?
    Love, Debra

  4. Thanks so much for your sweet notes...
    Nola...I hope you post pictures when your frost comes~ by then we'll be measuring "our frosts" in inches...tee hee...
    Would love to see TX frost~

    LOVE, LOVE your list of fall favorites. Your blog looks so dear~
    It was snow white this morning...but I went out in joggers, bed shirt & slippers! I always pray there are no hidden cameras for What Not to Wear!

    I'll be watching for your fall photos...I so enjoy your pictures..the blue birdhouse in one of your recent posts is gorgeous! Any bird would be thrilled to call it home! I do notice your "sweet" to your chipmunks....hmmmmm....
    :) SOMEONE has to love them! Tee hee...
    Work is crazy. That's a good thing...It's after 1am & I'm done for today~ Thanks for asking! I keep watching your new "creatives!"
    Time for prayers n' pillows~

    Hugs to all~

  5. Beautiful photos. where do you live that you are getting frost?? Laurie

  6. Michelle, what a nice blog you have! I love your photos of the frosted flowers - makes me want to paint them!! You're very talented! I'll come by and visit your blog again soon!
