Sunday, September 7

Zinnia Zone...

These are sweet little "smiles" that brighten up little nooks around the house~

Singing in the rain...

These have been my favorites!
I LOVE the magenta "freckles"~ something about freckles!

The yellow ones remind me of my sister's lemon meringue pie!
Mmmmmm! Just as sweet~


  1. Now I am suffering from "Zinnia Envy". Next year I will definitely plant zinnias, yours a magnificent!

  2. They are soooo easy!
    They love "plain soil"~ nothing mulch...(you can mulch once their established) I try to plant them by seeds & by seedlings in our flower beds...(very little success) when I scratch n' toss in the veggie garden! TA DAAA! They look like shrub rows!
    I'll be watching for your zinnia photos next summer!
