Tuesday, September 16

A Sweet Read for Generations...

For the Little Ones by Uno

Eighty pages in this book...
41 Illustration plates...I've attached a few~
The left page is a full rhyme...
sweet, tender~ innocent.
The right hand side
holds these lovely illustrations.

If you can find a copy of this...
It is a treasure!
How grateful to have something
so dear from 1877.


  1. How sweet to have a treasure so old. I've got way more imagination than energy, but I'd copy some of those illustrations in sepia, then maybe watercolor then in pastels, frame them, and hang them in a child's room. But, of course, to do all that would cut into with my blogging time!

  2. Oh Michelle, these images are just beautiful to me!!! I collect old children's books with illustrations...I see that you love nests too!! They symbolize so much...thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for visiting ~ xxoo, Dawn

  3. Nola~ you have to practice crafting with one hand...blogging with the other! :)

  4. Dawn~ I do LOVE bird nests! Each one is so different~
    When I comb our kitties & pup I put their hair outdoors on a limb near the trunk. Amazing how some of the soft nests have it woven in them!
    LOVE to visit your blog~ thanks for stopping by~
    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Michelle, where EVER did you find this treasure!? How inspiring for your own art!


  6. Hi Diane~
    Alton Antique Center...up near Sodus Point~ We took my mom for a country drive a month ago & stopped by. They have great prices & unique "stuff"~ that's where I found the bag of milk caps, too. Very similar to Ontario Antique Mall...but small. There were unique books in a corner booth. I found a bunch there that day...you would like the selection~
