Sunday, December 17

O Christmas Tree~

It is so nice to have a blanket of white on the ground~
Time for the land & crops to rest and picture perfect!

A country drive is always a favorite pastime...
Just up the road from our home is our favorite tree farm!

Snow was floating down softly,  like feathers falling~
Look at all of those babies!
Wrapping the hills as far as the eye can see! (even on a clear day)

They're in their 20's now... but walking behind them brings back
25 years of tree-gathering memories.
Little ones toddling through trees their height~ playing hide & seek.
Little hands hugging 15' giants...
Sitting on the trunk and being carried out~

Some years it has been so warm we were in t-shirts...
Other years there has been so much rain we've been up to
our ankles in mud, slipping & sliding~

Our daughter LOVES wee little trees~
I tend to choose trees that are far too tall for our home!

Baby trees here and there~ replenishing...

We found one!
Wishing you and yours a joy-filled season~


  1. We live in an apartment now and fire laws won't allow us a real tree. Such a fun family outing to choose the perfect one! Blessed and happy wishes to you and yours for a lovely Christmas.

  2. Mine are in their 20's too. I was just thinking as I decorated my tiny tree this year - there has been a lot of living and loving in this old farm house and the Good Lord has brought us through another year - Blessings to you and yours.
