Thursday, August 17

Wool applique August Echinacea

August Echinacea is so beautiful~
As it begins to fade & mottle it starts to resemble my watercolor palette!

 I purchased a beautiful piece of wool from Kimberley Severns
to make my very first wool applique project.

When I saw the wool on-line I thought it would make a pretty hydrangea blossom.
The piece had some deeper tones when it arrived & I immediately thought
Purple coneflowers! 

Little friend waking up on the sunny side of the day~

They fill the gardens with beauty starting late June, early July~
Soon they will lose all of their petals and American Goldfinch 
will be perched on top of them snacking on seeds!
I will leave them through early frosts & the first few snowfalls.

Swallowtails have been busy this morning...
Too busy to hold still for their portraits~

Wishing you a beautiful day, Sweet Friends~
Thank you for stopping by!

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