Saturday, May 31

Just frogging around...

Spent the day playing...
Getting lost in the country with our sweet girl~

It was nice to have sunshine on our shoulders as we visited with pond friends~

Some have their legs...

The wee-ones were just zipping around taking in the glorious sunshine, too!

Hope your weekend is filled with happy surprises, Sweet Friends~


  1. Frogs and ponds, you are having a fun time.

  2. How lovely! Brings back happy memories of visiting the frogs with my boys when they were little :)
    Blessings, Patti

  3. Sweet post. We used to catch tadpoles when we were kids and take them home in jars. Of course they all died :(

  4. I love frogs,they make me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh gosh I love frogs!!!! I have one in our small pond that looks a lot like this one (leopard frog). He's been a resident now for at least four years and I am worse than a little kid when he makes he debut each spring. Wish my Mr. Froggie wasn't so shy. These are great pictures! Thanks for sharing :)

    "her" and Romeo
