Tuesday, April 29

Praying you're safe~

Praying for all in the Midwest and South as these storms move through~

Praying these storms will weaken...
Praying you all stay safe~

Thinking of you, Dear Friends!


  1. You are so kind to think of us Michelle and I thank you.
    We are under a tornado watch this afternoon/evening but hoping it will stay calm and safe. The sun actually appeared a short time ago after a very gloomy day - I think your caring thoughts are working!
    Again, many thanks and my thoughts go to those who have been hurt and lost their homes over these past several stormy days.
    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. My Carolina wren couple have a nest and eggs in a pot of ivy on my front walkway - when I see my wrens I always think of you! I don't want them blown/washed away!

  2. What sweet sentiments so sweetly expressed, and I agree with you. I pray for safety for all the people in the tornados' paths.

  3. Your precious little drawings say it all. My prayers are added to them.
    Hugs Kay

  4. Dear Michelle, your art takes me to another place and time, when life was nothing but innocence, and beauty. Thank you for sharing the sweetness! Christel
