Friday, December 27

Needle felted sheep...

This furry love made his way home for Christmas~
He is living in Nevada with one of my dearest friends!
Wanted to share bits of how I felted him~

I gathered wool from three New York State farmers...
It was a joy to meet them & to visit the sheep in their pastures!

It is fun to hold larger needle felted pieces... 
If I knew how to do this as a young teen my bedroom would have
quickly become over-run with wool animals!

First layer of curls...

Little color to face & ears...

Portrait with his long curls on~

Still making a few Christmas gifts for family celebrations later this month...
I invested in a few reverse/inverted barb needles.
When I work on a project with them I will share photographs!

Hope you're days are filled with wonderful~


  1. He's a work of art---LOVE HIM.

  2. You are so creative, always so many lovely things to see.
    Sending my best wishes and trust you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. X

  3. Oh Michelle that is so adorable!!
    You are so talented and I don't know where you get the time to do all you do.

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  4. I would love to hear about your reverse needles. I have been thinking I wouldn't mind getting some as well.
    Hugs Kay

  5. How absolutely gorgeous - I could cuddle him all day! You are so clever - thanks for sharing the process Michelle.

    Hugs - Mary

  6. Gorgeous!So wish I knew how to do this craft. Happy 2014. Blessings,Jen

  7. Your sheep is the cutest thing ever.

    I need to read back through your posts to see other creations.
