Sunday, October 27

Walnut ink~

Black walnuts...
Black walnut ink, soon!
I had to locate a nearby tree so that I could try to make my own ink!
Sharyn Sowell (amazing artist) inspired me to make a batch when I saw her tutorial:

The walnut husks need to be pretty icky...
I've been waiting for mine to darken down~
(photo below was a few weeks ago when I gathered them from a country road)

I like the smell!
Be careful... they will stain what they touch~

Simmer... simmer... simmer...
The house smells mossy!

After a few hours the color is already beautiful!
Will keep simmering our ink~
I'll share more photographs when it has reduced down.

Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  1. How very interesting to boil down and make your very own walnut ink. Creative Inspiration...

  2. OH gee Michelle- I have a TON of walnut trees and a million walnuts you can have! Perhaps I will try to make some of the walnut ink too.

  3. Oh how fun it was! I will share the remainder of the process in a new post now...
    Wendy!!! Make some... you will LOVE it! :)

  4. Oh how fun it was! I will share the remainder of the process in a new post now...
    Wendy!!! Make some... you will LOVE it! :)

  5. What fun!!! Thank you for sharing your creative adventure.
