Friday, October 18

Needle felted Chickadee pair~

 It was love at first sight!

I begin my little soft sculptures with 100% natural wool roving~
Base wool is less expensive than dyed roving.

I love to 'paint' with roving~ 'touching in' the color...
Through the years I have gathered a rainbow of colors & hues!
Fiber Festivals are the perfect opportunities to gather different roving;
I love to experiment with different textures & colors.

Once I have my roving colors in place I felt it until the sculpture is smooth~

The Chickadees were getting playful~
Very excited to have some color to their little bodies!

Almost finished!
They couldn't complain about their looks without eyes to see & beaks to squeak!

However they have requested hats!

Hope your weekend is off to a great start~
I'm planning on making some hats for my Chickadee loves &
starting on some little owl friends!


  1. Oh gosh! Do you plan to sell any of these? I would love to have a little felted bird....or two :)

  2. Michelle - were you here in MY garden making your chickadees by chance? They look exactly like the ones on my feeder, in the trees, flying back and forth. Yesterday I filled my feeder and the little sweeties were there within seconds - then a huge woody came, followed by cardinals, finches etc. I love the birds.

    Your felting is so beautiful - will you be selling these little darlings?

    Happy weekend - Mary

  3. Just adorable my friend!

  4. Oh, me!...oh, my! very favorite bird, and oh! so cute! How do you do it?? Absolutely tops! ;)
