Sunday, September 22

Needle Felted Pumpkins

I hope your first day of Autumn is off to a great start!
A harvest chill in the air...
Pumpkin cookies planned for dessert...
I'm am cozy in my studio where I have surrounded myself
with the most beautiful  fall tones~ wool roving everywhere!

I think I will add a few little birds...
An owl or two...

Yesterday hubby and I put our walking shoes on, carried empty canvas totes,
With sturdy umbrellas protecting us~ we gathered!
Our first time at the Finger Lakes Fiber Festival 
was a complete success!
Like a kid in a candy shop... wide-eyed and searching for the perfect pieces!
The colors were wonderful!
Watching folks spin fibers, hook rugs... talk about their beloved fiber growers~
Oh the animals are so dear!

I wanted to share my umbrella with this little love~
They were happy & content munching on the long, deep green, fairground grass!

I will be getting a giveaway together, Sweet Friends...
To celebrate 1,000 + followers!!!

I'm so glad you share this wonderful journey with me~
Hope you have a creative & COZY week!


  1. Love those colors! Too adorable . . . it makes my heart smile thinking of you having so much fun in your cozy studio!

    Hugs and blessings,
    Deb oxo

  2. Hi Dear!
    We've been to the festival-it's been a few years, but we loved it. Love the felting you are doing!

  3. A lovely harvest of sweet little pumpkins!

  4. LOVE your felt pumpkins! Will you be selling them?
    I would share my unbrella with that little guy too! I would want to bring him home!

  5. Thank you, Friends! The festival was such a nice little escape :)

    Yes, Deb! I will be selling them... just adding the feathered friends now :)
    I will post about it here before I list them!

  6. Very sweet little felted pumpkins. Creative Bliss...

  7. It sounds as if you and your hubby had a wonderful time Michelle, and your little felted pumpkins are absolutely adorable already - I'm looking forward to seeing them with their added feathered friends.
