Friday, September 13

Needle Felted Kangaroo~

Finished this little friend over the weekend!
She started as a mouse...

Then she began to look like a rabbit!

When our daughter arrived home from work she said,
"Oh! What a sweet kangaroo!"

With a pouch and a tail...

And a name given from one of my Facebook friends,
(Mouse, rabbit, kangaroo)

It was "time" to play...

Mouraboo is a sweet gal with many collections...

She loves finding coral bits when the tide rolls in...

Keeps a key to my heart~

Another girl who LOVES her buttons!

My husband brought this owl home from Japan~
It fit in his suitcase perfectly!

Mouraboo is a little crafter!

She keeps a song in her pouch~

Smooth river stones...

Always take time to play!

Hope you enjoyed little kangaroos pockets of fun...
Happy Friday, Sweet Friends!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had 1/10th of your imagination :D
    Love your Mouraboo!
