Wednesday, May 29

Little Journals...

Little journals to bring along & record your bird-watching adventures!

Little journals to sketch the latest clothing styles & trends...

Little journals to keep track of how many jars of strawberry jam you made!

Little journals to record how many eggs were in the nest & when they flew~

Little journals to record creative ideas... sketches & breakthroughs!

Little journals to keep names & numbers in~
Good bye little black book
Hello craft journal with original, one of a kind, creative, fun,
Original pen & ink illustrations!

In my Etsy store now, Sweet Friends!
Thank you for ALL of your wonderfully kind comments~
You make me smile!


  1. They are all adorable Michelle, how's a person to choose?! Deb

  2. I said 'awwwwww' right out loud (scared the cat who was sound asleep right beside me). These are beyond cute.
