Thursday, May 16

Giveaway Celebration!

"Yellow & Blue Garden" prints are back from the printer!
When I saw them~~~~ GOOSEBUMPS!!!
So I must celebrate opening my 2nd Etsy Shop with a giveaway!

"Yellow & Blue Garden" Print
will be the giveaway on my FACEBOOK page~

"Earth Day Garden" Print
 will be the GIVEAWAY HERE on my blog!

The original watercolor is on the bottom~
You can see the clear details & perfect color to the above print!

The original on the top in this photo...

To have your name put in the hat for "Earth Day Garden"
please leave a comment on this post~ & if you follow my blog be sure
to let me know... I'll put your name in the hat twice!

To have your name put in the hat for "Yellow & Blue Garden"
please leave a comment & LIKE my facebook page!

You can have your name put in for both Giveaways!
Thank you for so many wonderful comments~
You make my heart smile!!!

Happy Thursday, Sweet Friends~


  1. Congrats and please, count me in!!!

  2. Your work is just beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win this! And I do follow your blog! :0)

  3. Oh my gosh...I adore your watercolors!! I am a long time follower and am thrilled about you new shop!!!! I'm heading right over!!!!

  4. Absolutely lovely! Please enter me in your giveaway :) I am a longtime follower. I have yet to join Facebook, but this may be the push that I need ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  5. Such beautiful work!! I am a follower ANd I am popping over to Facebook too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work with us. x Jo

  6. I have followed you for a while now and love your Etsy shoppe and also have liked you on Facebook. What a beautiful giveaway.

  7. How exciting! I would be SO thrilled to win! I love your art and you are such a sweetheart to share!

  8. OMG Michelle, ... what an amazing giveaway! Love your paintings so much! I am a follower and so happy to be one. Please be so sweet to enter my name. Now I am off to facebook.
    Wishing you a wonderful day,
    Karen B. ~Todolwen

  9. Wow, so nice they are! Please, count me in, I admire this colors! I'm your follower (and was on FB, but I deleted my acc there...)
    thanks, Nataly from Russia

  10. A chance at two different giveaways!! That's wonderful!! These prints are wonderful too!
    Thanks Michelle!!

  11. Dear Michelle - this is beautiful...I do follow your blog. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

  12. DEar Michelle...I am one of your followers...your blog is one of my favorites!! Thanks for putting my name in with the rest. Your work is awesome!

  13. Congratulations! I adore your art. Thank you for this double opportunity. Blue and yellow from your brush is pure Bliss!!

  14. Мишель!Потрясающая акварель!
    Я последователь! С радостью играю!!!!

  15. Just beautiful! Thank you for the lovely give-away! I liked you on fb too! (;

  16. You know I LOVE that Earth Day print! I'm a Follower also. You do such beautiful work Michelle.

  17. So pretty! I follow your blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  18. How very lovely of you Michelle - it would be fabulous, and a real honor, to have one of your beautiful prints displayed in my home. I'm a very happy Follower here.

    Still 'in love' with your sweet wren too.
    Hugs - Mary

  19. Your little critters are so adorable! Love the bear with a hat most!

    I've commented on your FB page too. Gorgeous illustrations.

  20. I love your work and I'm a follower both of your blog and your FB page. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Your work is always so beautiful, Michelle! Thanks for entering me in your drawing. I've also been following your blog for quite some time.


  22. Love, love, love your artwork, so beautiful and refreshing!

  23. Stunning. I was lucky enough to get one of your lilac prints and am anxiously awaiting its arrival! I also follow you.

  24. I am so glad you are givingaway such a beautifull painting!!
    So count me in !!
    I just love your work!!
    I am a follower for some time now,and enjoy your blog,love to see your drawings and watercolours!!
    Congratulations on your new shop,I think it's wonderfull.
    Love from Holland,
