Thursday, May 23

American Robin...

I love to sketch~
Instead of sitting down to read a good book... I sketch!
While I wait at appointments or wait to pick up family... I sketch!

I LOVE to add color!

White petals & white paper... 
Adding a soft wash to push the background back~

When I would roam about as a child I always had string in my pocket.
Someday I will share the many things I did with my string!

Pencil details~

Our baby Robins have been watching the flowers take shape.
Patiently waiting~
They're very excited to be getting color soon!

Thank you for stopping by!
Hope you're having a wonderful day~


  1. Beautiful! I can't wait to see more. I got my prints today and I love them, thank you!

  2. Michelle ... beautiful!!!!I can't wait to see it when it is finished.
    many hugs
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  3. So lovely. It just sings of spring!

  4. How very delightful! I love seeing your process.

  5. Really gorgeous - glad you like to sketch and paint instead of reading because I so enjoy seeing your work.

  6. just lovely! you captured the charm of those little guys perfectly!
