Friday, February 8

Huntin' rabbit...

Rain, shine... sleet... hail!
There are bunnies to sniff out~

We must hurry before the snow is too deep...

A Chickadee is calling to us from the Lilac hedge...
"Fill the feeders! Fill the feeders! More suet, too!"

Ahhh... here they hide~

We will bring some carrot ends out later~

One last peek!

Praying all are safe and cozy through the storms~


  1. LOL! Love your doggie's adventure. Makes me smile as I follow along. I think those bunnies will like the carrot ends! Rainy and cool here in southern CA today . . . I love it!

    Smiles and hugs to you and your family,
    oxo Deb

  2. Love your photos and your little story.

  3. Michelle, love your dog story! How much snow did you end up having?
