Saturday, January 12

More little friends to share!

Otters with flowers...
Fuzzy feathered friends...
Curly little mouse tails...
& Love~

They will be in my Etsy shop!


  1. Michelle, Thank you so much for being my 200th follower. I've written about you on my blog and posted a link,
    Just a thought, you might want to consider doing away with the word verification on your blog, I find it does more harm than good, as a lot of people won't bother to leave a comment when they see it and move on.. Like I said , just a thought.. You have an outstanding blog, so talented, love it. BJ

  2. Thank you, Friends!
    Have to add a little note~
    I wish I didn't have to have word verification on my comments. Few months back I started getting several spam comments each week. I was sad to think that someone wanting to leave a message would come upon one. The spam was filled with inappropriate words/suggestions etc. and not in my character. I did my best to stay on top of them & erase quickly... sometimes I'm buried in deadlines and don't get to the computer to catch-up as quickly as necessary.

    Thank you for visiting~
    Thank you for writing~
    I LOVE when people comment... I find new friends & visit long-time friends & enjoy your posts!
    Smiles to all~
