Friday, December 28

Snow business...

Guess who has been playing in the snow?
Our little feathered friends are so beautiful against the white!

There is beautiful white everywhere!
Around 12"-16" of the pretty.....heavy stuff~

The bunnies are enjoying more peelings...
The birds have been snacking on suet cakes~
Thistle socks & black oil sunflower seeds.
Mourning Doves are content to snack on the seed
finicky feathered friends shower the ground with!

They share love back~

I share that love with you!
Hope your festive season is filled with great memories &
visits from cozy little friends!


  1. They are each one so very sweet. We have so many birds in the feeders right now...flocks of goldfinches! Sweet hugs!

  2. Oh Michelle! The birds made me smile! I'm still smilin' !!
    Love, Debra

  3. Darling little birds...
    Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  4. Michelle, Your birds are so adorable. I always like looking at your art. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  5. They are to cute , they made me smile !!
    hugs, Ellen

  6. Dear Michelle - your love for all creatures great and small comes through in your art as well as your thoughtful posts. Hope you and Yours have a Happy New Year as well. Looking forward to visiting you in the coming one.
