Tuesday, September 11

Fabric samples & their originals...

My original watercolor next to the matching patterns~

The fabric samples from Red Rooster Fabrics arrived!
The portfolio with the program was fantastic to receive...
To hold the gorgeous quality fabric~

My original butterflies... and the fabric they designed!

My stamp originals...

My flying feathered friend original...

Started drawing on postcard backs almost 30 years ago!
Who knew I would be painting on them?

Who knew the fabric would be this stunning?!
Red Rooster, did.

I love receiving samples of my work!
For all the nights I'm in my studio until 2am...
Working on fast deadlines...
Holding the finished piece is the best payment!

We had beautiful butterflies this summer!
Not sure if it was the summer heat or that I spot watered
my flowers through the drought?
Delicate garden friends that I will research and paint when snow flies and
I need a reminder of the warmth~

Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
Thank you for sharing my journey~


  1. They're all so pretty Michelle! Where can I find the fabric?

  2. Hi Michelle,

    These fabrics based on your work are really beautiful. I can envision all kinds of lovely things people could create from them. The originals next to the fabric is interesting to see and they did a lovely job of representing/reproducing your work.

    Thanks for sharing and I will watch for the fabric in the shops!


  3. How absolutely gorgeous are all these fabrics!!
    Congratulations Michelle ♥

  4. So Beautiful Michelle ~ You should be very proud ~ such an accomplishment and to see it all unfold.
    Where will your fabrics be sold???
    Prim Blessings

  5. Thank you for your sweet comments! Where to buy...

    Red Rooster Fabrics has a link for where to buy/stores on their site. It goes by state... they have so many retailers! The fabric feels so nice!

    So fun!!!

  6. Yea! There's that sweet little wren! Love him. Love the postcards too! You must be jumping up and down!

  7. They are all so beautiful, Michelle. How fun and exciting this must be for you.

  8. The fabrics look wonderful. I love your beautiful work and this just showcases it so nicely, now even more people can get to appreciate your talent.

  9. Hi Michelle - so glad you are now a "Rooster"!!! One of these days you'll have to make a trip to Quilt Market and we can actually meet in person!

  10. What a fantastic journey! Bringing all those paintings together as a collection of fabrics must be thrilling. I wonder what you will make with them now?

  11. It is just all so gorgeous! The colors really are beautiful and your art is fabulous! How proud you must be! Hugs!

  12. Stunning! Absolutely cannot wait for these to arrive. Love it all! Great job and congrats!

  13. Congratulations, the fabrics are so beautiful.
