Wednesday, August 29

American Goldfinch

Birds n' the bees~
View from my studio window!
Please click on the photos for close-ups

Sweet Goldfinch friends that are thrilled to munch on seed heads...

Four Goldfinch~ missing their bright yellow already...
Muted for winter~

nom... nom... nom...
I'm never in a hurry to take away garden treats...
No matter how messy~
My dining visitors bring beauty!

Hope your day is wonderful~


  1. What a beautiful yellow bird visiting your garden. The birds we have flying around here are all brown or black, never such bright colour. A real treat.
    Hope your day was wonderful all the way,

  2. Doesn't it just fascinate you Michelle to watch those little goldfinches at work in the garden!! I love those little birds!

  3. Such a pretty and vibrant bird. We live in a very good migrating path and have been so fortunate to see many beautiful birds come and go. Love your cheery flowers as well!
