Tuesday, July 31

My Studio...

Years ago I had seen a child's size dish drainer.
An antique shop by the lake~
Shopping wasn't planned... it was picnic time.
On the way home I couldn't stop thinking I should have grabbed it!

I went back for it a few days later~
It was gone...

I've been trying to come up with a way to store my
little butter pat palettes~
Remembering how PERFECT the little dish tray would have been!
I went to Etsy and typed in "vintage wire dish drainer"
Found this treasure!
It's perfect at 6" wide!
The store has oodles of vintage treasures~

I wait for my little palettes to dry~
They don't touch each other... no more paint on the bottoms!

Hope your day is creative!


  1. How wonderful that you were able to find another drainer after all this time . . . it's just perfect and such a cutie! I love vintage finds!

    Hugs and Smiles,
    Deb oxoxo

  2. Hurray! Don't you love it when you find the one thing you've obsessed over? I've been doing the same, with a little vintage table top Singer. Alas, they are now to expensive for me to purchase. I wish I knew where the one I had went. sigh
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Your #1 Fan.

  3. Perfect!
    Little things mean a lot!

  4. I do that all the time ~ see something I like then think about it ~ go back and it's gone ~ why do we always do that???
    Glad to hear you found one you enjoy just as much!
    Prim Blessings

  5. I adore photos of your supplies! They always make me smile! And how funny, I have been looking at those wire drains, too, and almost got a small one!

  6. Love it! Doesn't it just warm your heart every time you look at your palettes drying in there? :)
