Tuesday, June 26

From my garden...

Even our gardens were celebrating Alaina!
In full bloom... all at the same time~

The sky was beautiful last night...
Streaks of this orange-sherbet color warmed the sunset.

Many blossoms are three weeks ahead of schedule~
The weather has made this garden season
a complete surprise!

I planted annual and perennial seeds late...
Perhaps it will work out nicely as some of our fall blossoms
will be opening in a couple weeks! We typically enjoy our
Black Eyed Susan's in mid to late August~
Some will open next week!
When we see Black Eyed Susan's blossoms...
It's typically back to school time~
(Shhhh... they JUST started summer vacation!)

More watercolor paintings of flowers coming this week!
My studio is clean and I have missed my paints~

Hope your day is filled with sunny, brilliant blossoms!


  1. LOVELY blooms...thank you for sharing them!
    The deer have nibbled quite happily at our gardens this year. Yet it is a delight to peek out of the window and see Momma and babies peeking right back!
    Wishing you a joyful day Michelle!

  2. Just so beautiful! Always nice to see . . . even if they are early. We've already been enjoying our blueberries and tomatoes . . . summer seems to sneak up faster and faster every year. Enjoy your blooms!

    Deb :o)

  3. Hi sweet Michelle,

    It has been awhile since I have visited you and though I would come and say hello!!

    I love all the new little dresses that you have purchased and look forward to what you will do with them!!

    Wishing you a glorious summer!!

    Hugs and Smiles,

