Sunday, May 27


She's 18 years old~
Alaina still brings me flowers!

They had a fire drill in school Friday afternoon...
My little artist~
I can picture her smile and gratefulness to be
out-of-doors... walking in the warm grass~
Leaving her books and classroom with a hop in  her step!
This little Buttercup came home!
Yellow and blue.
A perfect pair!

Alaina has requested a painting of her little Buttercup~
Perhaps I'll paint a few so she can list them in her
Etsy store for you!

Hope your day is as bright as this little blossom~


  1. Love, love, love that blue bottle! Perfect for that sunny yellow flower.

  2. A perfect pair indeed! I've always loved buttercups - they seem to be so full of happy sunshine.

  3. Hi Michelle, I have really enjoyed seeing your butter cup and the wonderful pictures of your trip to Arizona. It makes me want to go, I have family that lives out there. My nephew tells me the heat is different then what we experience. Your hen and chickens remind me of my mothers. She always had a green thumb. Have a wonderful weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

  4. Lovely photo-with all the shadows...

    Much love to you and yours~

  5. I always loved it when we had a fire drill at school on a nice sunny and warm day! Such a sweetie to bring home a flower for you. You are a lucky mom!

    Happy Monday Michelle!
    xo Catherine

  6. Such a thoughtful and loving gift for Momma.
    Sending hugs...

  7. Sweet, sweet Alaina . . . she is surely a treasure!

    Deb oxo
