Friday, March 2

Favorite Antique Jar...

Great things are stored in little packages...
Little packages are great things...

This wee little white glass jar has the same diameter as a quarter~

It sits on a shelf with my other favorite jars...

Absolute sweetness~ especially filled petite buttons!

Wishing you a weekend filled with tiny treasures!


  1. Hello dear friend! So good to see your post, as always. Love your wee little jars . . . just adorable! I hope things are warming up on your end. I know you love the spring.

    Smiles and blessings,
    oxo Deb oxo

    PS Miss you on P.

  2. Love your jars. You take and turn a plain old jar into a work of art. Thank you for sharing. Your fellow blogger, Connie

  3. Your sweet little bottle filled with wee little buttons reminds me of a glass bottle that my Grandma used to keep quarters in for the laundry machines. It was a glass Alka Seltzer bottle. Joyful memories...

  4. The saying " good things come in small packages " is so true, your teeny jar is adorable.
