Thursday, September 8

Blackbirds... Crows... Pumpkins...

When cool air and damp clouds hover...
I want to paint everything honey brown or cinnamon red!

I spent part of the weekend soaking, washing, scrubbing
old linens and fabrics~ stain-free, crisply ironed and bright.
I sat down with six of the linens to draw
crows and pumpkins...

The linens got dirty again!
They just didn't look right all pressed and pretty!

My hands smell like coffee...
The house smells like coffee...
At least a few times a year!
It smells so delicious~
 We keep a jar in the house for our coffee-drinkin' friends...
When the jar expires it becomes a natural stain!

Hope your day is warm and cozy~


  1. Wow they look great on the old doileys!

  2. Michelle ~ Ohhhhh I just love your art work! You are so very talented!

  3. Michelle...You have once again captured the out-of-doors perfectly in your drawings. And what could be better than pairing them with antique linens...lovely!

    Try to stay high, dry, and safe from the neverending raindrops my friend...

    Sunshine hugs,

  4. Love these crows. Just like all of your work, they are beautiful.

  5. I love all that "old look" linen , it really sets off your drawings. My daughter M has added you to her favourites in her new Etsy shop -
    x Jo

  6. Michelle, you are just too creative! I love the fall and look forward to the next creative surprise that you'll throw our way!

    Smiles and Blessings!
    Deb :o)

  7. Your work is just breathtakingly adorable.

  8. I am very happy that I found your blog! wonderful! I'm a museum, I draw and I love the birds!
    How can I buy the 2012 calendar data from Hungary?
    Monika- / Mammka /

  9. Your coffee flavoured birds and pumpkins are exquisite Michelle. penny

  10. Your artwork is just entrancing. What fun it must be to be able to do this.

  11. Oh, these are great, Michelle, done on the aged linens - a perfect look for these fall images!!

    Hugs, Diane
