Wednesday, July 20

Winner and Make-do Palette...

Last night I returned home...
My mom has been fighting stage 4 breast cancer for
almost four years now. I have been out of town caring
for her after she suffered a Pulmonary embolism.
She lives in the city... a pleasant place to visit~
However I am a country girl and there is no place like home.
I think my flowers all waved to me when I drove in!

We have a winner!
The little vintage dress has been waiting patiently
for my return... eager to find a lovely new home!
Do hope you will visit Megan's blog~ a treat!

I knew this trip might keep me away for a while.
I thought to pack folders of reference material,
Several sketch diaries, pens, fabric squares, ink,
watercolor paper, triangle... ruler... but forgot the palette.

That is an expensive tool to replace...
As time passed and deadlines grew near, paint was needed.
While mom was napping I set out to pick up her meds.,
a few groceries and make a quick trip to the art store.
The palettes were all plastic.
You can see from the first image, my main palettes are
well worn, loved, messy... plastic. It takes time to break
in the plastic surface where I mix the pigments. I was hoping
to find an enamel tray or ceramic plate. Nothing.

I gathered a basic collection of Winsor & Newton tubes...
They had most of my favorites: Perm. Alizarin Crimson,
Cadmium Orange, Quinacridone Gold, Winsor Yellow,
Green Gold, Hooker's Green, Cerulean Blue,
French Ultramarine, Indigo and Sepia...
...and I needed basic brushes 6 round, 4 round,
a flat and a liner... I added a few extras for good measure!
But what to put them on?
An antique store... maybe they would have an enamelware
plate or old butcher tray! I only knew of one store...
The perfect palette was found!
The cover to this little container has a troth around the rim...
Held the paint away from the water & mixing area~

Mom is very weak but stable~
Can never express exactly how much I LOVE nurses.
They work wonders and their compassionate hearts
are a gift from God.

Wishing you  joy, Sweet Friends!
I will blog when I can~ always thinking of you!


  1. I always love your beautiful posts...but this one I have to comment on. I'll be praying for you and your mom. My mother fought colon cancer for 5 and 1/2 years. I understand treasuring each moment, trusting God, but living with that gnawing dread.

  2. Hi Michelle, I love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful art work. So sorry about your Mother,
    and will send prayers your way. Take care of yourself, put your trust in the Lord. He is strength.

    Peace and Blessings,

  3. Michelle my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. I too have gone through this with my mother. Sadly she was diagnosed and then gone in 6 months. Those six months were very precious and went way to fast for me.So treasure the time you have. I know you do.
    I love the palette you found. How lucky was that. I love porcelain and that one sure was a good size. Take care and paint your heart out.

  4. My heart was touched as I read your post. Six months ago my dear Mother was diagnosed with colon cancer that had spread a lot. We lost her eight weeks later. I'll be praying for you in my heart, for Mothers are dear!... I love your site! BJR

  5. I can only echo what others have already said in the comments. God bless you and your family.

  6. I had missed your precious blogs and had to wonder if something was wrong. May God give you the strength and grace to face each new day and all that it holds.

    Peace in the Storm,

  7. Hi Michelle,
    SO very sorry to hear that your Mom has breast cancer ~ You are a great daughter :)
    You both take care!

  8. Michelle, so sorry about your mother. I will remember you both in prayer.

  9. Dearest Michelle, please know that I'm holding you and your mother in my heart. I'm glad you were able to find a lovely palette--sometimes it's comforting to do something creative when times are stressful.

    Heaps of Hugs,

  10. This is such a difficult time for you and your mother. May you have quality time together and make lasting memories. Prayers for your mother and you and your family. May you find solice in your amazing art...

  11. Congrats to the winner1 and prayers for your mom!

  12. Hi sweet Michelle, it's so very good to see a post from you dear friend!!!! I will keep your precious mama in my prayers ~ and never think that we will forget what you need to do to take such good care of her. I love that you found a perfect item to house your paints too!!!! What a great idea too!! Sending you hugs and love, Dawn

  13. Congrats to Meghan! Dear Michelle, I have missed you blogging and was wondering if something was wrong. Was going to write you, but didn't want to bother you if there was. I am so,so sorry to hear about your mom. I too suffered a Pulmonary Embolism a few yrs back and its a very scary and painful ordeal. I will keep you and your mom and family in my thoughts and prayers. Sending Big Hugss your way!

  14. Thinking of you and your mum. God Bless.

  15. Dear Michelle...Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

    With hugs & special blessings,

  16. Michelle, so sorry to hear about your mom. Praying for her and you! I love these old enamel pans. You have put this one to the perfect use! I'm glad you get to be home for awhile. Enjoy your day! Twyla

  17. Hi Michelle, I just wanted to let you know that another one of your friends is praying for you and your mom. We keep praying that they will find a cure for it. Take care and stay cool. Your Missouri Friend.

  18. My Friend,
    Prayers have been sent from here in California even before you were aware of them. We understand that your presence is needed elsewhere at this time in your life. Mom is so thankful to have you with her. You have so many blessings . . . I know there is a place in your heart for every single one of them.

    Hugs and Smiles,

    Congratulations to Meghan.

  19. So glad you are home - loved the story about your pallette search - sending prayers for your Mom.

  20. Sweet Michelle,
    I thought you were probably with your Mom, and have prayed for you. What a blessed woman your mother is to have such a loving, caring daughter. I know you bring joy to her heart!

    I love that God provided the perfect palette for you...He's so good like that.

    May He hold you close and strengthen and keep you all.
    Love and hugs,
