Tuesday, February 1

A new sketch... a gift & planning a giveaway!

A little late with my Sunday sketch...
My Sweet 17 is a joy!
She has a way of making the young, old and
everything in between smile... with her smile~
Little Man 14... well, he gets them to belly-laugh!
I'm a bit behind because as the snow piles high,
So do my deadlines! I'm having a great time
painting several new watercolor programs!
Or as a close-artist-friend stated...
"More goodies for the lazy artists to copy?"
I keep painting because it is what I love to do.
I license my designs because art should be seen.
I have not figured out why other artist
steal ideas, designs... programs... not just mine!
I feel sorry for them.
The joy of art is in the uniqueness!
I LOVE that MY art is one of a kind~
FRESH from my mind...
From my heart...

If certain artists try it too many more times~
My lawyers will be filled with joy!
Onto happy thoughts!
This GORGEOUS TREASURE arrived as a surprise~
A mug mat made by Donna...
Please visit her creative blog Brynwood Needleworks!
I wrote a little note to Donna that I will be framing
my gift~ we have kitty cats that adore
finer things in life and they would consider
this beautiful treasure a perfect nap quilt!

They have cozy beds...
Our laps in the evening...
This mug mat is a masterpiece for my studio!
Thank you, Donna!
I've been trying to figure out what to do...
We have reached over 1,000 Etsy sales, Sweet Friends!
I will announce the new giveaway tomorrow...
I'll try to make this one extra-special!
Hope your day is safe!
This has been a very...
eh, what's the word...


  1. Hi Michelle,

    I love your new sketch...the flowers are reminding me that spring may still get here yet!!

    I am sorry that you are having trouble with copy cats out there.
    Your work is so unique...what are they thinking...no one will notice??

    I look forward to your
    up and coming Giveaway.

    Hugs and Smiles,


  2. Your new sketch and quote are very joyful, and that is a lovely mug mat gift. You are wise to frame it so the cats don't claim it. Is that a poem I just wrote?

  3. I love your Sunday sketches, Michelle! Such a lovely pairing of design and the Word of God. The mug mat is so distinctive and fun--no wonder you want to frame it to keep it from your cats. :o) Congrats on over 1,000 Etsy sales!

  4. Your sketches are so awesome! I also look forward to your giveaway!

  5. Well, here in California we don't have to deal with the "persistent" snow. . .hee hee! But what I recognize is that there's a reason for your accumilating snow. God has decided that He has a few things that you need to finish up at home. He's the one who's being "persistent". That's okay. . .we all benefit from your beautiful work because of it!

    Smiles right back at ya! :o)

  6. I do love all of your work and enjoy everything you post. I am sorry that you might have to make your lawyers happy. That makes me sad.
    I hope you never stop though. Keep drawing because there are people like me who just love your gift.

  7. Michelle, congratulations on reaching 1000 Etsy sales! I am one of the people privileged to own some of your beautiful artwork and I treasure it. I am so sorry you are having problems with thieves stealing your art; your work is so unique and beautiful how do they think they will get away with it? It seems to be a common problem unfortunately as I have seen others posting about copycats. You are very generous to call them "artists", I have other adjectives to describe them myself! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent. Deb

  8. I love your work. Debbie from Mosaic Magpie sent me here.

  9. From Izmir have a nice day,I like your blog and hearts.

  10. Over 1000 sales! That's exciting news!
    I love your work Michelle ~ looking at all your sweet sketches just makes me smile! Receiving one in the mail makes me laugh out loud with joy!

    Thak you for sharing your work with us!!

    Love the mug mat from Donna ~ what a lovely idea she had. They are so pretty and practical too! Framing yours is a perfect idea.

  11. Michelle, I found out two days ago that my pirated images are being sold and just reading your blog I went to the site and checked and yours are there, too. May I phone or email you about the details? Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings... I love your art, love your heart, and would so much love to meet you face to face. Surtex, maybe? Also want to ask if I may link your blog on mine please? Blessings, Sharyn

  12. I'm so sorry that someone (or more than one 'someones') are stealing your art. It takes all kinds I guess, but I don't understand that mentality at all.

  13. Hi Michelle, I've just found your wonderful blog. Your work is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

  14. Hi Michelle,Congrats on your 1000 esty sales!! I love your new sketch and I am happy to hear you are going to have some of your work published...how awesome! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with people coping your work, sometimes I just don't understand how they can live with themselves knowing what they have done??? Such a beautiful mug mat from Donna, I would do the same and frame it.....To beautiful to use....lol

  15. Wow...thats great on over 1000 sales...and I was one of them...but I "need" more...I have been working on redoing my "creative room"...and will have my little "bird" displayed proudly...but he is lonely...so once the room is done, he needs more freinds...LOL...keep up the wonderful work...

  16. Michelle, Oh do I hear you, girlfriend! There are some who enjoy trailing behind other's hard work and trying to get a piece of the pie too without using their own abilities. It IS sad. Especially since they don't realize they are not only stealing from other people but underestimating their own gifts. So they're stealing from themselves as well.

    But we all know who the originator is here!

    Blessings, girlfriend!

  17. I love your work. Sounds like some might be stealing your ideas. I'm so sorry about that. I know that is supposed to be a form of flattery but I'm sure it's also upsetting. Unfortunately there will always be those who take rather than give.

  18. Love all of your work! It says so much, so simply! I would be thrilled to be lucky enough to win! Becky

  19. congratulations on 1,oooo sales! how exciting :) those copy cats can't take that away from you!

  20. You are awesome ... Love your give aways
    I am keeping my eyes out for new lovelies!!!!
