Saturday, January 8

Carved Stamps...

Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of the holidays~
I was playing.
I'm sure there was a list of things needing attention...
Maybe it was the day the roast was very dry?
Distraction is the cause of many a dry or burnt meals!
Or maybe I was playing on the day set aside to dust...
Ah, keep the lights down low if someone stops by!

Laundry piles indicate I was busy with "other" chores...

When I was in high school I enjoyed Linoleum Printing.
Carving those slippery, tough blocks...
Who needed aerobics?
By the time I had a design hacked out
I was sweatin'!

Through the years they have manufactured the
linoleum in a softer block... I prefer these new
ultra-soft carve blocks for little fun projects that
keep me from my housework.
I could however use the aerobic workout (giggle)

There are several soft products...
Some artists even use white erasers~

Tools n' such
I draw on the block with a soft pencil.
Working in negative space is fun!
Simply leave what you want to print~

Most craft stores carry a starter kit.
Many of the tips and one Speedball tool are from my
college supply box... they haven't changed much.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!


  1. You go Girl!!! Those are wonderful stamps you many possibilities as to what you could create with them. I took printmaking in art school & just loved it. Happy New Year Michelle! Hugs Susan

  2. Hi Michelle:
    Ok. Now GUESS which one is my favorite. Go ahead! I think you'll be able to figure it out! lol
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  3. These are beautiful!
    I used to do linocutting but my hands got to the point they could not tolerate the hard pushing of tools.
    However, this new material looks interesting..... ;-)
    The prints are gorgeous.


  4. I'll make you a deal.....

    YOU carve stamps.

    I'll be aerobic.

    This looks way too hard to me! I dare say that mine would look like a beaver gnawed on the lino!

    I especially like the cardinal.

    Nice job Michelle. Now I'm off to ski while you whittle!


  5. Ahhh, the cost of being an artist! The hard part is getting your family to understand that insatiable desire to create when the muse is with you, no matter what is burning on the stove!

    Your work is worth many suppers of cold cereal!


  6. Wow. I remember doing that. It was hard work and I slipped once. That darn carving tool went right across my thumb! Man oh Man - that hurt!! Glad to know they've changed it up for the especially "linoleum challenged!" I LOVE the little middle bird. And the acorn. And the cardinal. Oh, you know. I love ALL of them. I think you should sell them...wink, wink....


  7. Michelle you sure are talented.
    I love your stamps and I too think you should sell them =)



  8. I was just thinking about this today. So glad you posted about it now I will know what to look for. I wondered if anyone still did this. Thanks

  9. I think the house work can always wait when there is so much creativity to do. You are right, just close the blinds a bit if company comes and no one will see the dust. :)

    Very fun stamps!
    xo Catherine

  10. Oh, Michelle, they're wonderful!!! I haven't done this in ages. Love both of your designs! What will we see them on??????

  11. Very nice, Michelle.

    Thanks for sharing your process.

  12. How fun is that! I remember doing this in high school, but don't remember what I tried to create.

  13. Your handcarved stamps are wonderful. They have the simplicity yet detail that make them perfect. Happy stamping...

  14. How beautiful stencils have you made Michelle!!! The printed fabrics looks
    amazinly beautiful. Nature inspires me so much also. At art school we are just studying printmaking...I try to find that starter kit from local art store. It would be great to curve a stamp of my own :-))

    Thank you for sharing this Michelle!!

    Have a nice week!

  15. Love the stamps- an amazing talent you have! You are constantly in the process of creating my friend! I'm betting your family will forgive a burnt meal or too! I always love seeing your new creations Michelle!

  16. This is something I have not tried, I'm sure I could not do anything as fine as the ones you have made. You are a constant inspiration to me, love your work.
    Do you have a slow cooker???? LOL
