Monday, November 15

More Christmas & Where are you?

Thank you for so many wonderful comments!
I have been trying to visit each of you and
take time to comment...
Time has been limited as I have been caring for
my mom as much as possible.

A few posts back I shared that I have been trying
to help a special someone as they battle
breast and bone cancer...
That special someone is my mom.
I couldn't say anything at the time... she has been in
this battle for three years~ but never told her
extended family. My sisters and our immediate family
have been doing our best to keep her privacy...
Her wishes...
God has a way of opening doors~
Her siblings and extended family now know.
I am so thankful that they know~ things have
not been going well... she is very weak.
My mom is some distance away.
My wonderful hubby and teens help with my
Etsy shop whenever they can...
Thank you for being so very patient...
Sometimes waiting for special orders...
Every now and then waiting a day or two extra
for packages to arrive or delayed email responses.
I have loads of Christmas goodies to share...
There is time to draw while we sit and visit~
It is relaxing... A positive distraction...
I found my Christmas theme muslin ribbons that
I had made this past Spring...
I was drawing holly and Christmas
right along side my pansy, bunny and bird ones!
Vintage dresses with Christmas themes are
almost ready to list... they look so sweet on teddy bears!
I like to hang them along the mantle...
A nice addition to the stockings~
Thank you... for your kindness and friendships!
You are a very big bright spot~


  1. Michelle, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Life certainly has a way of testing our strength. Fondly, Kim

  2. Sweet Michelle, I am sorry to learn of Mother's medical ... prayers are lifting for all of you.

    May He hold you all close to His heart & lift His loving hands.

    Love your little prints on linens.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~ hugs, Marydon

  3. It sounds as if your mom needs her family more than ever. Take care.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Mother's health. It is nice that the whole family can support each other and her now. Your little linens in this post are sooo cute!

  5. My prayers for you and your family. I have gone through this with my mother some years ago and it is not easy therefore I understand your situation. Your drawings are so beautiful and sweet. May you have peace in this difficult journey...

  6. That is sad news you have to share today. You have many friends here that will all be sending you their love and support and I am certain that will get you through the difficult times ahead.
    A x

  7. Michelle I am so sorry to hear of your mothers illness. I understand completely as my mother and I went through the very same thing. You and your family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

    Many hugs!

  8. I'll be praying for your Mom, Michelle, and for you and your family as well.

  9. Sorry to hear that, will be thinking of you and your family

  10. Hi Michelle,
    I'm so sorry to hear that your mom is having to go through this. And it affects everybody around her. I'm glad the rest of her family knows so they can help.

    The mice are adorable!

  11. Michelle I am heartsoar that you mother is battling this terrible disease I know first hand how stressful it can be.
    My prayers are with you and your family.
    On a side note You have a beautiful talent I adore your drawings.
    god bless.

  12. Oh - I have a huge lump in my throat. You are such a dear. It shows in your art. Art and heart are connected you know. Take care. You are such a sweetie. I know your Mom is too. Hugs to you - Kathy

  13. Very sorry to hear about your Mom, but glad you can now share it with friends as well as family, It does help..will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers..

  14. I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mom. I'm wishing peace for all of you.

  15. Michelle, big hugs to you! Please tell your mom that we are praying for her. We're also praying for you. So glad you're able to spend time with her and that the other family members now know and can reach out to her. I pray especially that she is trusting Christ for her eternity.

    Darling little drawings. I know your mom must love the joyful things you create.

  16. Love you Michelle. I'm praying for your Mom and your family. So glad they know. As it should be, huh?
    God is sooo good.

    Love and big hugs to you, my friend,

  17. Michelle, I have been keeping you and your Mom in my prayers, I think of you both all the time! Life has so many twists and turns, sometimes it is hard to stay on top of it all!!! I know my blog friends have made all the difference in my life and I am so happy to have them all! You know if you ever need anything, I am here for you!!!!
    Margaret B

  18. Dearest Michelle - What a burden you must bear in your heart and in your life. I am so sorry to hear that your Mother is ill - I know all to well the trials and emotional upheaval of caring for an ailing parent. I will pray that you have strenth - and patience - and that your Mother can be comforted throughout her illness. There are many blessings to be found in the most unusual places - your Mother is very lucky to have a daughter who cares as you do and is there to take care of her. Bless you Michelle~~

    (the Christmas mice are adorable!)


  19. Prayers for you and your family !!

  20. Dear Michelle

    I received my Etsy purchase yesterday. Simply love it. Little Merry cute :))
    I am also very sorry to hear about your mother´s illnes. A big warm hug to you Michelle...

  21. So sorry to hear about your Mom Michelle. I know it can be a difficult journey. Let people help you as much as you can.
    I'm envisioning a little prayerful mouse on his knees, next to the bed. I'm saying my prayers with him for you and your family.

  22. I am sorry about your Mother's health. I am glad that the stress of trying to keep something like a secret from the rest of the family is off your shoulders. When a loved one is ill especially to this extent, you can not get away from thinking about it. I know when you are at your home, your thoughts are still back with your Mom, wondering how she is. I have been there with my Father and I am sorry you have this to cope with. You are lucky to have your critters to escape with.

  23. I will be praying for your dear mom. I am so sorry that she is having to wage this battle.

  24. Dear Michelle,
    Bless all of you! I pray heapings of blessings and peaceful hearts.
    I am so thankful that you have your faith to sustain you.

  25. Michelle, I will say prayers for your sweet mother as well as for you and your family...

    Lou Cinda

  26. Michelle my prayers are with you. Spend all the time you can with your mother. I went through this same thing with mine some years ago and am thankful that I was able to be there with her. I have some very special memories. Take care and don't worry about orders etc, we will all be here.

  27. Michelle, I have been so busy this week and just now catching up. I'm sorry to hear it's come to this for your Mom. I know you've been holding this close to your own heart for quite awhile now. I'm also sorry that I didn't read your post earlier this week but have not been blogging much at all, nor visiting my bestest favoritest ones, of which yours is, my friend.
    Blessings and hugs being sent your way from down here in PA.
    Love, Diane

  28. God Bless your family....and you as this is always very hard of family members as well.

    BTGW...sure love you little mice..they are darling.

