Thursday, October 14

Misty Morning Erie Canal...

The Erie Canal has some of the sweetest little towns
running along side of it... Our town celebrates its history
throughout the year...
We celebrate its quiet beauty everyday!
A few snapshots before the mist cleared...
New York State blue and gold...
Just love those colors on the tug boats!
Metal bridges for auto traffic...
The path is filled with bright red rose hips...
Concord grapes...

The canal path connects town after town...
Wide enough for an automobile, but motorized vehicles
are prohibited... we walk, bike... skip... run... sit.
The cool temps have the Canada Geese on the move...
If only from pond to pond...
This pair is off from the V formation a little...
Perhaps they're distracted by the beautiful foliage~
Or they're planning afternoon tea...
Their honk-honk-honk is a welcome sound~

Hope your day is perfect!


  1. Hi Michelle,

    These are such lovely photos! I especially like the second one for some reason. Maybe it's the stillness of the water and the clarity of the reflection - just beautiful colors and scenery.

    Thanks for the trip!


  2. I love New York!
    Beautiful color on those tug boats is right! Really pretty pics....hope you have a great day!

  3. Oh, Michelle - SO PRETTY. Love the blue and yellow tugboats - what a great place to live and enjoy.

  4. Looks like autumn perfection. what a beautiful part of the country.

  5. Oh so very lovely, Michelle! What a delight! I so long to visit up in that neck of the woods!!

    LOVE the pen and ink nests! They are even more beautiful in a larger size! I'll show you the finished piece today or tomorrow. Such fun!

    Keeping you close in heart and prayer!

  6. G'morn, Michelle ~ So beautifully captured. Yes, NY has some majestic & awesome sites to enjoy.

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  7. love love love your perfect place on this earth AND the way you capture it in photography...very serene & peaceful thru your eyes! thank you much for sharing ... ;)

  8. I have to tell you that all of my life I have been intrigued with the Erie Canal. It could be because of the song, but the engineering of it always amazed me. Thank you so much for showing pictures of it. I have always wanted to see it. "15 miles on the Erie canal," Now it will be going on in me head all day. Thanks so much I love the blue.

  9. Michelle these are such lovely photos and it is so heartwarming to hear how much you love where you live and treasure the history and breathlessness of it all. Happy Autumn...

  10. This was a pure delight. Thanks for posting. I don't recall ever seeing canal pictures before. Absolutely stunning! - Kathy

  11. Beautiful photos, love the blue boat! Theresa xoox

  12. Hello I am really very happy of connaitre your blog, I am a fan of your drawings! You have some gold in fingers!
    Best regards of marylin France

  13. Thank you for sharing - it seems like a very lovely place. This must be so inspiring to you.


  14. Michelle, A friend led me to your blog today and I am in LOVE! I enjoyed reading this post and some past ones...will return OFTEN. You are such a talent...thank you so much for blogging! I'm sending you an email to let you know what how this friend introduced me to your work! pat

  15. Michelle,Your photos are beautiful. The colors are so brilliant. I recently did a one to one swap with Joyce of Scrap for Joy. she gifted me one of your adorable little pumpkin drawings. I love it!

  16. Oh Michelle - we love theErie canal and check it out anytime we can in our travels. These are wonderful photos - just spectacular scenery! Absolutely love the boats~~


  17. Wonderful photos, Michelle! I've caught up with your work too-I love what you're those chipmuks!
    Love, Debra

  18. Beautiful colors Michelle. Great photos.

  19. I love those darling journals, and have put mine to good use! I pull it out of my bag, and whoever I am with reaches for it to take a better look!
    {I don't do Halloween, so I've placed my comment on the wrong post, so as not to mess up your giveaway.}
    Your Autumn illustrations are gorgeous! But you know that I love your style!

  20. Great photos! I really love the color of the tug boat and the building that it's next to!

  21. What fantastic photo! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Wonderful photos a place I'm sure you could feel you are the only person around for miles and miles it all looks so peaceful.
    Carol Ann xx
