Tuesday, September 28

Vintage Vegetable Ivory Buttons...

The three little canvas totes that I listed last
night have vegetable ivory buttons on them.
Mass production of the little treasures began
around the 1870's.

Most jars of mixed buttons have simple honey,
caramel... chocolate... coffee... maple syrup---tone gems!
It's all about food with me...
I could have called them Burnt Sienna, Taupe, Ochre...
Just doesn't have the same ring to it!
Some are carved...
Some are stenciled...
Most are dyed by dipping~
Even the most simple buttons are beautiful...
The natural fading, splitting, chipping make them unique.
Some of the side views show the pretty etching...
Great fun to find one and tilt it to the side
to reveal the pretty patterns...

Can you picture the colors of our walls?
Wheat, muted gold... sandy brown...
(I'll restrain from "French Toast" "Caramel Apple" ha! ha!)

I put them on my Americana-themed needle felts.
The vegetable ivory always looks sweet with wool.
Hope you had fun searching through that jar with me!
I hear the cats batting one around that fell to the floor...
Down the register...
I love my dog!


  1. Hi Michelle! I love those buttons too, as I am making cuffs, Danielle started to make some too and well she was just going through all of my buttons and pulling out her favs, saying that she could look through them all day. Funny though, I just bought some of the small bags from your last post at H.L. and am in the middle of decorating them! (great minds think alike!) they are such cool little bags, but not to worry, mine could never be like yours, your drawings are fantastic! I am in the middle of lace, rosettes, and a couple of other ideas. too funny :) Have a great day, prayers go out to your friend and you as well, Theresa xoxo

  2. Hi Michelle! I love those buttons too, as I am making cuffs, Danielle started to make some too and well she was just going through all of my buttons and pulling out her favs, saying that she could look through them all day. Funny though, I just bought some of the small bags from your last post at H.L. and am in the middle of decorating them! (great minds think alike!) they are such cool little bags, but not to worry, mine could never be like yours, your drawings are fantastic! I am in the middle of lace, rosettes, and a couple of other ideas. too funny :) Have a great day, prayers go out to your friend and you as well, Theresa xoxo

  3. I luv all the fall colors the buttons bring out in your post. Very pretty. Yhanks for sharing....Julian

  4. Hi Michelle....love,love,LOVE all those buttons...those warm tones are just right for autumn. I could sort buttons all day...in fact, I have! We all could use a little button therapy! :)

  5. I only came across buttons like these recently at a button talk. I am told that little mice like to eat these edible buttons, now that would make a great little illustration!

  6. Hi Michelle~
    I just had to come and comment about your WONDERFUL buttons!! I too LOVE buttons and have jars and jars of them, but somehow, just never enough!!LOL
    I also have a blog and did a post a while back about my love of buttons too!! I also love the Vegetable Ivory ones and have such a hard time using those!! Yours are gorgeous and I just wanted you to know how much I admired them!!
    Blessings to you~


  7. Ohh - I love buttons - these are just so lovely my friend. Love the way they just spill out of that tin! Youare so creative in all that you do - these are the perfect palette for something wonderful made by you!


  8. Vegetable ivory buttons are one of my favourite buttons to collect. They are so warm and varied in shade and design. Your work is as always wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hello Michelle,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful collection with us. :) Love your color descriptions...perfect! I too am a collector of vegetable ivory. I was tickled to find a few of these buttons included with the drawings I bought from you. What a treat! Thank you again for sharing.


  10. The buttons are beautiful, delicious colours, gorgeous shapes and details. Until recently I had never heard of vegetable ivory buttons. I don't I have ever seen them here in the UK.

  11. Michelle, explain...what are they made from? Are they hard to find?
    They're gorgeous buttons!!
    Hugs, Diane

  12. Michelle,
    Your button collection is beautiful. I love buttons too sadly my collection no way near matches yours. Still, I can aim high !!!! You artwork is amazing -I could spend hours and hours looking at your delightful images and ideas and reading your posts. Thank you for sharing these with us.

  13. good morning Michelle,

    Terri Conrad here - your work is lovely. I'm off to visit your etsy site now.

    enjoy a creatively JOYfull weekend.
