Friday, September 17

A different kind of harvest...

I keep a small portfolio of fabric pieces in my purse.
One never knows when the teens will be,
"Just 5 more minutes, mom!"

That's time enough to harvest a pumpkin!
Pumpkins are beginning to brightly dress up
the roadside stands...
Leaves are beginning to turn...
I love to walk through fragrant apple orchards.

Just listed these in my Etsy store~
Tomorrow will bring two more styles of pumpkins!
Fall favorites on this fantastic honey tone fabric...

Hope your weekend is perfect!


  1. All of those 5-15 minute moments that could have been put to are amazing!

  2. Michelle, those are the sweetest looking pumpkins in one patch!!! Love the way you work when you have "a minute"!
    Margaret B

  3. Brilliant - I wish I could be so productive in my spare minutes! Waht will you do with all those little pumpkins now???

  4. What a fun idea to carry the fabric around with you so you're always prepared. I'm far to disorganised to ever remember to do things like that!

  5. Love this story Michelle - so like you - and (me). I keep a little bit of knitting in my purse - you never know, a traffic snarl, getting the oil changed in the car, always something to be waiting - you can get a lot done in 5 minutes my friend!

    LOVE this!


  6. They are wonderfull, I love the flat wide ones makes me smile :)
    He is so sweet.

  7. These pumpkins have great personalities.

  8. You are so clever to be prepared to create even in the few minutes most of us squander. These pumpkins are adorable. Happy Autumn...

  9. Michelle - such a happy time of year. Your leaves are turning - I'm still swimming in my pool - but Autumn is coming to us both! Love the pumpkin faces!
