Thursday, May 6

Giveaway & Sneak Peek!

A Giveaway to celebrate you!
Original pen & ink illustration on antique linen.
Thank you~
For so many wonderful comments...
For following along...
For sharing about my originals on your blogs...
For all of your purchases...
For being you!

This is a sneak peek, too!
Listing a new collection of birds tomorrow morning~
Like this giveaway piece, they are on vintage linens
of all shapes and sizes. Some of the linens are worn,
torn, stained... but they are old and beautiful!

This piece measures 9" in diameter.

I hope you'll leave a comment on this post to have
your name included in the bucket!
If you share this on your blog or become a new follower,
please let me know~ I'll add your name again & again!

Sweet 16 will select a name from the bucket on
Mother's Day!

Hope you have a wonderful evening!


  1. Hey Michelle

    I love your artwork and I just became a follower on your blog. What fun!!! Hope I win the birdie....and I love that you're using vintage linens to draw on. I have a huge collection of linens but I sure can't do what you do with them!

  2. Oh my goodness Michelle....this is absolutely beautiful! I am a big fan of your incredible artwork. Thank you for a chance at this generous giveaway. I am already a follower and would be delighted to post your giveaway on my sidebar.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Wow! Beautiful work, Michelle! Found your site from 52 FLEA and am having fun looking around.

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. I just came over from 52 Flea and I love your work!! I am following now and I'd love to win the giveaway.

  5. OMG! this is absolutely the sweetest thing! I absolutely love it!

  6. I am a follower, have been for awhile, drooling over your artwork!

  7. I just posted about your giveaway on my blog! I want all the chances I can get to win this adorable piece!

  8. I love your artwork on vintage linens!!! You are very creative and I sure hope that little birdie linen flys my way!
    I'm already a follwer...does being an "old" one count as 2?!
    Deb :)

  9. Love it! Your artwork is just wonderful! I love the linens you're using too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Hi Michelle,

    Oh your sketches are so very beautiful! So very talented you are. I have posted a click-able picture on my sidebar already, I am already a follower -so no extra one there :(

    And of course I am commenting. You sure got a good deal on all of those olde linens and such. I love how art can use so many mediums and make something old, well loved again and again.

    Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful birdie sketch. I will keep my fingers crossed. Sweet 16 will draw on Mother's Day, is that her Birthday? If so, Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day to you.


  11. Michelle, this is so delightful!!! I love giveaways, your work is fabulous....of course you know that I am addicted to it!!!!
    Margaret B

  12. Michelle! This piece is GORGEOUS! Of course all of your sketches are beautiful to me but I love the way you scattered the eggs around the edge. I would so loved to be included in your giveaway ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  13. This is a beautiful piece of work! I think it must be my favorite so far!
    I'm not a new follower...I'm an old one! But, I'm off to add your giveaway to my sidebar!
    Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

  14. Dear Michelle...
    From one of your biggest fans! I sure hope you pick me. Fingers crossed.

  15. I bought your pansies a week or two ago, and I love the fat birds! I just became a follower of your blog as well.

  16. Wow! I think this is my favorite so far! I do hope I win! I am a follower and I am putting your adorable giveaway on my blog sidebar for all to see. And I can't wait to see the other delights tomorrow in your store!

  17. By chance I happened upon your site. Your work is out of this world beautiful. I will definitely be back to visit again soon.

  18. Would love to be included in the giveaway! I am posting it on my blog. Can't wait to win! lol ;)
    take care

  19. Oh what a beautiful bird. I'd love to be entered to win this gorgeous linen!! I'm already a follower.

  20. What a surprise I just noticed I have 2 of your peacock fabrics in my collection. Am always looking for peacock material to add to my stash. I love your material. Just had to jump back in here and add this in.

  21. I've just come over from Dawn's blog. And quite frankly I'm stunned by the beauty of your work.


  22. Dawn sent me. And I'm so very glad she did. Your work is simply amazing. Love it!

  23. Already a follower Michelle, and can't wait to receive my teddy artwork that I ordered...I have big plans for it and will post it on my blog when it arrives.
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  24. Michelle,it is so beautifull,love the eggs there,too,
    I would love to be entered in your lovely giveaway.
    Will post about you later today,now i`m off to buy food for our week-end.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  25. what a beautiful work of art! such talent. i came on over to visit from the feathered nest. i would love a chance to win!

  26. Hi that is beautiful. It would look great hanging on a wall. I will have my fingers crossed. Such a wonderful giveaway. Thanks


  27. I have become a follower and will grab your button for my blog.


  28. I love your artwork and the new pieces on old linen are wonderful. I am already a follower and will post your giveaway in my sidebar.

  29. Michelle amor, your giveaway is just beautiful...I have a frame just waiting for it too! :) I will post about this in the morning and add you to the side bar on my lil blog...almost 2 a.m. but I had to come by for a quick visit :) Nissa is IN LOVE with her bunnys & kittens...she refuses to open it and is now wanting to redo her whole room because of the colors....she is inspired :) Thank you so much amor! Besos, Rose

  30. This is beautiful! Please count me in! Thanks!

  31. Ohhh I almost forgot...I am already a happy follower :) Besos, Rose

  32. I just discovered your blog and artwork! I love drawing, and I found your pen and ink bird so charming. I would love to be entered to win it. I shared your Giveaway on my blog and also just became a new follower.

  33. Wonderful piece--you have such a talent!

  34. How wonderful! All my spring birds are now returning and my yard is filled with song. Thank you for putting my name in. Blessings to you.

  35. Hi Michelle,

    I follow your blog AND etsy shop since i discovered it by "accident" Lucky me. I love art , and especcially al that has to do with nature and al the little creatures in it. Your work is so beautifull,

    So please ad my name to this wonderful giveway, ho knows, maybe i got luck on mothersday :-)))

    Happy mothersday !!
    Nicole (Belgium)

  36. I have signed up to follow you. Don't worry, wee Ted in my picture stays indoors and only watches the birds through the windows. Like all good cats should.

  37. Michelle this is absolutely gorgeous!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  38. Such a sweet and gentle birdie Michelle. Your drawings always inspire and bring sunshine to the day. Thank you kindly for your most generous Giveaway!

  39. Michelle,
    Wow girl, your welcome! A simple thanks would do, but if you insist I'll take that amazing sketch on linen! LOL Oh Michelle, you know how I love your talent. It's just perfection, never over the top, never too plain. Just right. I'll be gabbin about your giveaway. Lisa

  40. Beautiful! I can't think of another word ;-) Oh yeah....'want'

  41. I love how you are creating with your drawing on fabric idea. It's so fun to see the chain of creativity as you try new things. I sure do want to be in the give-away! I hope it's ok to use your give-away picture on my art blog. Tell me if it isn't, and I'll take it off!
    Love, Debra
    PS~ I just love that old chalkboard you use...
    love your art too-but that is something you know already!

  42. Oh Michelle I just love this sweet bird and all the wonderful eggs! You are so talented. Keeping my fingers crossed too that your printer will be fixed soon! I can't wait to see my finished product! Please enter me in the mix to win this fabulous prize!

  43. My Gosh this is so beautiful.Please count me in.I will add you to my sidebar of Giveaways!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  44. Your artwork is lovely! I would be delighted to win one of your amazing creations! Please count me in!
    I am now an official "follower" too!

  45. I am in awe of your art. I love the bird and eggs and would be honored to own it! You are such a gifted artist! ~Robin!

  46. This is lovely Michelle! I sure hope I win;)

    Thanks for commenting on my blog this morning. A Rose breasted grosbeak-how nice! I wish we had a bigger variety of birds, and I especially wish that cardinals lived in Colorado!

  47. How gorgeous! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway!

  48. Oh Michelle, this is just so lovely! I can't wait to see the other ones you list in your shop! Thank you for your generous giveaway!!!

  49. What a gorgeous give away!! You Michelle are so talented and what a blessing that you share it with others. I am a follower and will be going to post your give away on my blog. I enjoy spreading the word of your talent to all of my online friends hoping to send them your way!!

  50. Michelle: I have several of your small pieces and I treasure them so. This is just gorgeous and I hope beyond hope that I could be the winner. If not, it's still a pleasure to look at.


  51. Your artwork is beautiful - I love it! Please include me in the bucket.

  52. Hi ! I'm a new follower to your blog....your work if absolutely breathtaking !! I love it. What a wonderful give-away !!! I also mentioned your give-away on my blog. Thanks ~Jeanne~

  53. Oh yes ... your artwork is to-die-for and I would love to win it. Anything birdie ... that's what I am all about. Thank you!

  54. And I am now a follower. =)

  55. Yubba Dubba Do. I'm a follower, too. Now I get two chances!

  56. I just found your blog - count me in - what a lovely give away (I'm Following as well :)

    Take Care

  57. I am already a follower and I would love the chance to win a piece of your beautiful art work....I enjoy your blog...

  58. Hi Michelle! I'm already a follower and I posted about your giveaway on my blog--I hope this means I have 3 chances to win your gorgeous little bird. Oh, if only I could be SO lucky!

  59. Just love all your artwork, please count me in and I'm also a follower. Happy Mother Day, Carol Mae

  60. Hi Michelle, I love your work, I follow your blog, and I am going to go add this to my site. Thanks so much.

  61. I have fallen in love with your artwork, particularly your birds and to have it on a vintage linen piece is even more special ... thanks for sharing this!

  62. Hiya! I just became a follower, arrived here via bingle bear :)

    I'll blog about this as well!


  63. Oh Michelle - your artwork just keeps getting cuter! The birds are adorable! So glad I'm a follower so that I get to see your creations first!

  64. Wonderful work, I have become a follower..

  65. Hi Michelle,
    I came over from Dawn at Feathered Nest and I am so glad I did. Your artwork is gorgeous!! I am a new follower and I am adding your giveaway to my blog sidebar. Happy Friday!

  66. Absolutely Gorgeous work! I love that you combine the old with the new in your art. I would love to own piece like this:-) Thank you for having a giveaway, and giving me the chance to win this lovely piece.

  67. Oh my what wonderful art! I would love to be added to the bucket!


  68. I became a follower. I am off to check your shop as I know my MIL would love one of these!


  69. Michelle, this is so beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  70. Wow! Look at all these comments! I can certainly see why. I love your little birdies the most. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'll add a post on my sidebar and am following you also! Thanks Michelle! Have a great weekend and happy Mother's Day. Hugs ~ Jenn

  71. Such wonderful talent you have. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Please add my name to the hat.


  72. Dawn from The Feathered Nest sent me here! Your work is absolutely beautiful!

  73. Hi Michelle,
    You know I am a follower, purchaser of your sweet artwork, and have blogged about your wonderful giveaway. Amazing art from an amazing lady.


  74. Oh, I love it when I find new amazing work. Please enclude me in your drawing. I'd put you on my side bar, but I don't know how to do it without a URL.

    Big Hugs

  75. Oh, I love it when I find new amazing work. Please enclude me in your drawing. I'd put you on my side bar, but I don't know how to do it without a URL.

    Big Hugs

  76. I love your beautiful birds and have enjoyed looking at your blog. I came from "Tales of the Rasberry Rabbit". Vintage linens are one of my favorite things to collect.

  77. Oh yes, I just became a follower of your lovely blog.

  78. WOW your work is amazing. Pls enter me into your drawing I have a place in mind to display this beautiful piece of art.

    If I am the lucky winner I can be reached at

    thanks again..

  79. Wow, I love vintage linens and your beautiful artwork on them makes my heart go Zoom! Very Nice. Hugs, Robin

  80. Oh my goodnes....I have been away from the computer for a couple days and you now have come up with such a great way of presenting your darling illustrations. Yes, I want to be included in the drawing. I will also mention it in my blog today. Hugs

  81. What beautiful pieces you make! Just found your blog and I'd love to have a chance at your give away. I'm off to get a second chance by becoming a follower!

  82. Hi there Michelle. Your artwork is exquisite and I would love to throw my name in the hat for this giveaway!! Have a wonderful Mother's Day my friend.

  83. So adorable and I would so love to have one! Just love your work!


  84. Please, enter my name. I love your artwork and this is such a cool idea. I love making old things new. Come visit my blog to see what I've done with old doilies.--Sally

  85. I have birds nesting underneath my roof at several places and it brings me joy to hear the hatchlings chirp for their food. Your artwork will be a constant reminder me of this joy and help me keep the blues away!

  86. Hi Michelle - I love your drawings and the vintage linen sets them off perfectly. I have become a follower ( although I have been secretly following for ages!!)

  87. Oh my goodness, I love your new works of art on the vintage doilies and linens, please enter me in your giveaway. I am already a follower :)

  88. Hi, Michelle:

    I have a thing for birds so I was immediately attracted to your original creations. I purchased a darling bird original from your etsy shop and I would love to win your giveaway so I would have a companion piece. I wish I had your talent! Thank you for sharing with everyone.

  89. hello, Michelle! this is a such a wonderful piece, just like your other pieces, and i would love to win it! thank you for the chance to win.

  90. OMG! It is beautiful I found your blog today. I just became a follower of your blog. Please enter my name in your giveaway.

  91. I adore the birds and your artwork is so beautiful! So Creative! Glad to find your blog and I'm now a follower! Jamie V in MT

  92. Hi Michelle,
    Your artwork is beautiful! I am already a follower and I would love to be included in your generous give away! Thanks.

    Smiles and Blessings,

  93. Oh, I just found you through The Feathered Nest, and your doilies with the little birds are so beautiful! I am keeping my fingers crossed to win! Suzie

  94. I'm a new follower! Now i'm off to look at your Etsy store too! Suzie

  95. wow, this is gorgeous Michelle, I didn't think you could outdo yourself but you have

  96. I'm already a follower of your wonderful blog & love your art-hope to win your lovely linen!Thank you for sharing with us!

  97. Absolutely gorgeous work Michelle.

  98. I'm the 100th comment! I love your work and have for a long time. I thought I was a follower, but apparently I wasn't! I am now.


  99. These are gorgeous! I love birds of all types and would love to win one of your designs. I am going to be following your blog as I just found it. Off to look some more. Deb Shanler (

  100. Love the delicate feel of your blog over all and that bird sketch on linen is lovely.

  101. You have such an amazing talent, I would be thrilled to win this! I am also a follower.

  102. I love your drawings - the birds are all nesting types, not aggressives, which is the feel we all love. I would love to win one of your birds.

  103. I love your birds. Thanks for being so generous - I would love to win a bird.

  104. You are one talented lady. So pretty. I'm already a follower and soooo glad to be!


  105. Beautiful! Love your artwork and thanks to 52 flea for sending me over!

  106. FAB.U.LOUS!!!! Love this giveaway and so hoping my name is the one you pull from the bucket!

    Warm blessings,

  107. What a wonderful prize. It is something I would treasure always. I have become a new follower, and I'm so pleased I found you vis 'Sadie's Silken Threads' I just wish I had a blog, so I could have another entry into your giveaway (sigh!) Blessings

  108. Michelle- such talent and gorgeous linenes. You lucky girl- someone GAVE them to you!! woo hoo!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I have to draw the winning name today!! Count me in on your contest- I'm off to post it on my blog! Anf become a follower!

  109. Oh my your artwork is incredible.
    I have just found your blog through flea 52 and cannot say enough. I'd love to win..
    Happy Mothers Day!

  110. LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your things! I've bought a few already! Hope Sweet 16 picks me! It's my birthday tomorrow! What a wonderful gift this would be!
    Happy Mothers Day to you! Kathy

  111. Another sweet drawing, love the old linens and that border of eggs is precious.

  112. Please count me in Michelle. By the way your baby robin that I gave as a gift was loved by all. I thank you again for such beautiful work!

  113. Opps I forgot. I am a follower too AND a fan.

  114. I enjoyed visiting your blog today. I signed on to be a follower! Thank you for entering my name into your generous give-away. Happy Mother's Day Weekend. ~Natalie

  115. Oh, what a wonderful bird! What a creative artwork! Just find! I've put a link on my left sidebar

  116. Look at you! More surfaces for your beautiful sketches!
    Hugs, sweet friend! And Happy Mother's Day!

  117. Michelle,

    What is it about birds that are so captivating? Just found your blog, signed up, and would love to own one of your creations! Thank you for your offer.

  118. Oh my! I am amazed at your beautiful work. Such talent, what a blessing.

    I am a new follower.

    I came by way of desertmountainbear's site.

    I am in awe of the beauty of your work!

    Now, I'm off to visit your store!


  119. OH! OH! OH! PICK ME! PICK ME!!!
    I absolutely LOVE the doily effect! You're brilliant!

  120. what truly gorgeous artwork! Please include me in your generous giveaway. I am already a follower. Take care and Happy Mother's Day. Hugs...Chris

  121. i'm stumbling around from swooning over these beautiful creations! such talent in one person....amazing!!!!

  122. Your lovely work is such beautiful art! Thanks for sharing, I truly loved coming over today!

  123. I am very late for this one, but your artwook is lovely! What a darling doilie with the would go with my bird themed vignette!!

  124. Hi Michelle...
    This is absolutely beautiful! Your artwork is all beautiful!

    I would love to have my name added to your giveaway! Hopefully I'm not too late! Thank you!


  125. I am also a follower on your blog..
    Thank you for another entry of my name in your giveaway!

    Happy Mother's Day!!


  126. I came over from 52 Flea. Happy to find you. Your original work is oh so pretty. I'd be thrilled to be included in the drawing. Thank you!
    Happy Mother's Day! ~ Sarah

  127. I've just added myself a new follower. Look forward to many more visits.

  128. your illustrations on vintage linen is very interesting and very well done! the bird series is a treasure.

    i added myself as your fellower. and i added a link to my blog about this giveaway too.

    happy mother's day. :)

  129. Hi Michelle,
    I'd love to have my name in your draw - your work is stunning!. I'm also a new follower as of tonight. Hope this helps me win :o)


  130. Hello Michelle! I found you via Sandi's Wayside Treasures. I adore your fat little birds and the soldered pendant with an acorn in it. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I'm a new follower! Thank you, Leslie Anne

  131. I was a follower already. Your drawings are so serene and beautiful. What an awesome gift you have.

  132. What stunning artwork and so detailed and beautifully created. I too have had a dabble with pen and ink after getting a great video and book by Claudia is so dramatic and satisfying Thank you for the chance to enter your unique giveaway..I adore your work hugs Janet

  133. I am a follower now too Jan

  134. and finally have added your candy to my blog (sidebar) hugs janet
    fingers and toes crossed

  135. wow! wow! wow!

    amazing giveaway!
    wonderful works!
    please enter my name!
    I am folowers....

    eva from serbia

  136. Wishing you Only the Best this ~Mothers Day~ Michelle...

    Always My Best~Marilyn

  137. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! I am in awe of your artwork! Putting it on vintage linens is a splendid idea. I hope I win one! - Cheers, Kathy

  138. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. Please put my name in the hat! I'd LOVE to win a piece of your is beautiful, unique and very special. Happy Mothers' Day!

  139. I am a follower of your blog too!!

  140. I just became a follower.

  141. Love it! Your artwork is just wonderful! I love the linens you're using too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  142. Hi Michelle, I just found your blog via Dawn at "The Feathered Nest" and I love your artwork. Your use of vintage linens showcases the sweet images in a way that just brings them to life. Can't wait to come back and see all that I've been missing. Happy Mother's Day. Nancy in SO Cal

  143. Just became a follower. Nancy in So cal

  144. Hello Michelle,
    Happy Mother's Day!!!
    Once again I am in awe of your creativity. I just love your new sketches. Thank you for the chance to win one of your amazing pieces.

  145. I love your new sketches on the vintage doilies, so creative and pretty! Wishing you a very Happy Mothers Day.

  146. You truly are blessed with a wonderful gift. I love birds and yours are incredible. I also love wintage linens. What a marvelous idea to combine the two! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  147. I have just become a follower. Can't wait to visit the rest of your blog.

  148. Michelle, I love your pen and ink artwork. I'm so fascinated by it. I love the softness of your work. Thank you for sharing with us.

  149. I am SUCH a fan and lucky enough to own some of your fabulous artwork! Your talent is awe inspiring!

    Lou Cinda :)

  150. I just found your blog through Lou Cinda at Tattered Hydrangeas and her bunny piece of yours that she has. Like her, I love bunnies! I'll also be looking through your Etsy shop.

  151. I've just signed on as a new follower! I love looking at your work ~ it's just beautiful and I'm hoping to make a {bunny} purchase in the future.

  152. Your art work is so great I have a great new blog to follow

  153. Hello - I would love to enter - it's a beautiful item!

    I will link as a follower right now.

  154. Wow, you have so many entries, but I want to join the list as well! Your art is gorgeous!!!! Drop by my blog for a give-away this week also at Thanks. Marcy

  155. Just in case I don't win, I just purchased your "baby birds" art from etsy! Tooooo cute.
    THanks. Marcy

  156. OMG your work is just beautiful. I just found you, I love all of your beautiful birds, sooooo sweet. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. Have a wonderful week. Terri

  157. Oh, I love your artwork! it is so beautiful! I'm a follower now, thanks for the chance to win:)

  158. Hi Michelle, Karen K. referred me to your site several weeks ago and I love your work. I would be glad to have any of your drawings as they are all gorgeous and you are so talented. I also collect vintage linens, some of them my relatives embroidered in the late 1800's and a lot that my late Mom did. I can remember as a very small girl sitting by her in the evening watching her embroidery. My Mom was also very talented and could do anything related to needlework, sewing, etc. I am a follower of your blog and thanks for being so generous in giving us the opportunity to win one of your drawings. Marilynne Quick in SE TN
