Tuesday, April 13

Mice and Tiny Bears Play Here...

These are the photographs that I use throughout
the year... Primrose in teacups~
Grape Hyacinth clusters in blue bottles~

Last fall I added peat, compost and manure
to a small bed that was struggling...
I found several bulbs in there that never blossomed.
I tossed them aside for the chipmunks and squirrels...

Instead of the critters eating them~
They survived the winter and are in full bloom!

Now that I know what they are... and that they
are eager to live~ I'll find a special place for them!

This afternoon I've set aside time for
some new fabric illustrations!

I think mice and teddy bears...
...and, well~

I'll share my new pieces with you here and
in my Etsy store~

Hope you have a sweet and sunny day!


  1. And a very sweet and sunny day to you also. Your plantings are very spring and pretty. Happy designing...

  2. These are so lovely Michelle. The colors, composition and everything just lifted my day. Happy Spring to you.

  3. I think you could almost call your bulb surprises as "volunteers"! That's one of the nicest things about gardening - something always surprises us! :-)


  4. Hi Michelle, thanks for visiting me today, it's nice to meet you.

    Your illustrations are wonderful.

    I love those tiny Grape Hyacinths, I have oodles of them in my yard!!

  5. yeeaahhh Teddy Bears ;D
    can´t wait to see your new creations - of course I love those with the birds too
    ~ Tina

  6. I just found your Etsy shop. You do really neat, creative and beautiful work. I'd not really thought of using fabric to draw on. I think I might have to give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. can't wait to see your new designs :)

    i'm glad my little birdie made you smile...i love her "nesting" area :)

    (and i love my mouse drawing :)xx)

  8. gorgeous photos...those flowers are amazing!

    the needle felted giraffe is soooooo cute....and all that fabric? i can hear the wheels turning from here!


  9. Beautiful flowers! Happy Spring to you!
