Thursday, April 1

A Few Treasures to Share...

Look what arrived yesterday!
The the most adorable needle felted fox
you have ever seen!!
Abby is an amazing artist... please visit her Etsy store
Bird On Wire Studio

Last spring we rescued a wee baby fox from
the road in front of our home.
My hubby thought it had been killed by a car~
He went out to move it and the baby fox
lifted her little head! He is a drummer in our
church worship band... was running late...
So the kids and I jumped into action!
Since that day we all have a special love for them!
Our baby fox is all grown. A local shelter for
wild critters nursed her back to health.
Due to head trauma she's unable to live in the wild.
She is a teaching companion for animal protection.

Abby makes all sorts of treasures... hope you visit!

I like to tuck a little extra something in my Etsy packages.
This morning I made a new tag...
Made a bowl of coffee...
I better get to the store for more

before mom visits! She's our coffee person~
Stained the plain white tags...

Picked out stamps and colors...

Cute little tags to say thank you!

Those charming acorns are made by Abby, too!
Love how she left one natural~

A bird nest, wrapped in pussy willows...
Two real eggs tucked in...
Covered in a cloche...
Sitting in enamelware...
With a handmade stitched bird...
With a gorgeous acorn piece!

In my studio...
When peek over my pile of deadlines~
I see something sweet and smile!

Hope your Thursday is wonderful~


  1. I love those labels. Do you make your own stamps? Annyhow I think that the things you make aal look so fabulous!!

    Big hug from Maksi

  2. The little fox is so sweet. I am so happy your little fox survived as is doing well. I remember when you found him. Love the tags and the saying. How true it is. I sent you a message through etsy about how do I pay... email me if you didn't get it. Thanks so very much. I love what you do. Sharon

  3. Your new tags are great-that's one of my favorite quotes. I enjoyed the story about your fox rescue..we had one around our neighborhood several years ago and it was always a treat to see it out and about (of course we don't have chickens..that would make a difference I guess) For a while I would see it every Sunday at around 9:30 on my way to church. Wonder if he was going to church, too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend (it's 75 her today in Pittsburgh-amazing!) and a Blessed Easter!

  4. toooo cute!
    I love foxes too!

    Oh and those tags of yours are scrumcious!

    Sam xx

  5. What a sweet sweet story! That's a adorable set and I will definitely visit Abby's shop, thanks for posting!

  6. Sweet little fox and very nice tags! Did you post about the baby fox in the box? I thought I remembered the story but maybe it was something similar by another blogger.

    Sending wishes for a very Happy Easter!

    Kindly, ldh

  7. Such a sweet felted fox! And adore your fox story. Great tags too! ~ Angela

  8. Sweet Michelle, Love your tags, your little fox, your story, your felted acorns, and your birdy cloche of course!!!!!

    Know what, though? I just love your kind, sweet, gentle spirit even more!! It is always a delight to visit you and admire your artwork. Your loveliness as a person just shines through in all you do, say and create!!

    You are a blessing, gal!! Just know that, ok?

    May your Easter be filled with

    HUGS n love,

  9. ah! it's all too cute to handle! the baby felted fox, the story of the real baby fox, the little tags you stained and stamped, the needle felted acorns...all adorable!
    beautiful things. that's what makes us smile.

  10. Hi Michelle,
    I am lovin that little felted fox, he's a cutie. I love the story of how you rescued the fox, so heartwarming.

    Your tags are so pretty. I love them.


  11. oh, yes!!
    that fox is the sweetest!
    happy easter!

  12. I absolutely love the tags you created. You are a very talented artist. I am so glad you stopped by my blog. I will visit you often!! Have a great weekend!

  13. Lovely post,Beautiful Fox,once when I was gathering pine cones in the woods, I stood face to face with a fox, beautiful animals!
    Love the cloche and the tags
    Have a Happy Easter

  14. I live in the midst of foxes here in Virginia..I love them. Your little guy is so sweet.

  15. Just whizzed back thro your old posts- WOW! your work is so beautiful! Off to look at Etsy now.
    That little fox is fab - will check that site too. Thanks and Happy Easter!

  16. I love your little fox! Such a cute little fellow. Just stopped by to wish you a Happy Easter!
