Friday, March 12

Studio Collections... Baby Bird Illustrations...

Good Morning, Sweet Friends!
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments on
my posts... I love to hear from each of you~

As promised, I sketched more baby birds!
I just added four more to my Etsy store~
Please click here to go visit...

Studio collections...
Seems as if I have feathers tucked everywhere~
In a jar, safe from curious kitties!

Here a feather... there a feather...

Trying to gather "Palmer"
As a graphic designer, all type is fantastic!

A peek into one tray...

These very tiny shells have beautiful~ intricate patterns!
Seemed to be the perfect place for my
very tiny feathers... their details just as gorgeous.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Wishing you all that is wonderful~


  1. So all your treasures too, beautiful!!

  2. Love looking at your boxes with your stash of feathers and shells and pincones. What beautiful photos!!

  3. I have been enjoying looking at all these exquisite bird drawings on fabric.

    I am a great admirer of wooden type blocks and so very envious of your collections.

  4. Just popped onto your blog via sweet Koralee. You have some pretty treasures over there! Isn't it great to be surrounded by all these treasures all day long?!
    Have a happy weekend!

  5. really, who can resist your illustrations? i sure can't :)

    i love your nature art box. i like to make boxes of supplies like this for kids birthday presents.

    thanks for the "sweet" comment in your previous post. i'm on pins and needles waiting to see those little hummers crack out of their shells!

  6. Love those collections, Michelle! But my favs are the snowman noses and the cat whiskers!
    Love, Debra

  7. Your baby birds on fabric are just too adorable! You have a beautiful blog here and I'm off to check out some of your older posts! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment.

  8. Your drawings on fabric are amazing! You have been following my blog and I have been fairly bad about posting lately. But I really enjoy your blog and your beautiful artwork. Thanks for the great images!

  9. I love the visit to your creative space and all the beauty that lies within...
    The little birdie is adorable.
    Thank you for dropping by for a visit. I'm quite blessed to have this historic area I live in at my beck and call.
    I'm quite familiar with the historic village you speak of...and enjoy walking the grounds at least once a season.The museum collection is fantastic(all the wildlife paintings) and especially the octagon house.

  10. Morn'n M~
    Thanks so much for that blog address for Phoebe the mama hummingbird!
    I am watching, see seems like maybe today is the hatch-day for her "tic-tacs!" :)
    It's just amazing!
    Maybe the babies will model for you so you can sketch them??!! :) Blessings! L~

  11. Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! Aren't you the talented one. How you sketch all those wonderful images I'll never know because I can barely draw a stick figure!


  12. I am so happy you visited my blog, your work is amazing, and so inspiring :)

  13. Michelle I received the two birds in todays mail and also the added bonus of two tags....they are beyond words. I had such a hard time deciding which two to get this time, but now I know I will have to get more. They are wonderful, its so hard to believe you can do such beautiful work on fabric like this. I am going to frame each one individually and do a grouping. I love them, thank you so much.....Marcia

  14. Il tuo blog è FANTASTICO e UNICO !

    avrei voluto leggere quello che scrivi ma...non c'è traduttore !

    anche se ho guardato con molto entusiasmo il tuo lavoro.

  15. Hi Michell!

    Found another fun BIRD-HATCHCAM! :)

    Sooo awesome, owlets ready to hatch! Yea! :)


  16. Hi Michelle,

    You are such a wonderfully talented lady...I feel blessed just to be able to see your beautiful creations.
    Bless you for putting smiles on our faces and warmth in our hearts.

  17. Well, now you started something. You visited my blog, so I visited your blog...and I went right to your Etsy store and had to buy some of your sketches! They are so gorgeous. I am a huge fan. :)

    Do you do any larger sketches?

  18. Oh Michelle,
    your fabric drawings are fantastic, and so are your collections!I so enjoyed visiting today.

  19. Your blog is so delightful..thank you for visiting me. I adore your baby to check out your shop! You are amazingly talented. I am a collecter of many of the same things you are. xo

  20. Michelle, you have turned collecting into an art form!

  21. Michelle...these are simply beautiful!!!


