Tuesday, March 16

New Spring Originals in my Etsy Shop...

Pretty soon the bees will visit our
pussy willow blossoms!

Birds have been collecting bits and pieces
for their spring nests... eggs will follow soon!

During strong windstorms...
Soft, light-as-air, nests tumble from our hedgerows.

Geese formations have been landing in the
waters nearby... HONK! HONK!
They all say hello as they pass overhead!

These sketch treasures and more can be found
in my Etsy Shop~
Please click here to go visit...

Thanks so much for visiting!
Hope you have a wonderful night~


  1. Hello!
    And thank you four your comments!
    I be so happy!
    And also I found your lovely blog!
    Very nice pictures1
    I hope your day be wonderful!
    Many hugs to you!

  2. what a lovely blog and such pretty drawings! I really adored the birds. let the creativity blossom! :)
    have a very good day.a

  3. Compliments for your artistic very beautiful job!

  4. Your drawings, are so wonderfull, I love them all.

  5. How can you bear to part with them? especially that little bee.

  6. Hi Michelle!
    Wow girl, these are some great images you made...you are so talented!! There are lots of intricate details here, each is certainly a work of art.
    These are perfect for collages and altered art...you are good!!!!!
    Love them!!!

  7. Hello & thank you for following my blog. I thought I would just take a peep at yours - wow, your work is beautiful! You're a very talented lady indeed. Rebecca x

  8. just beautiful! I agree with the other comment...how do you part with them?

  9. I love bee skeps and eggs and nests! I don't see a lot of images of skeps. I'd love one for my garden. My friends are beekeepers - their label is "Buck Naked Farm" Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer

  10. Michelle!! Oh. My. Goodness. I got my beautiful artwork from you, and each little piece is even more amazing in person!! I don't know if I am going to be able to part with them!!! They just delight my soul!! I may just mount them somehow and keep them as company in my corner studio!!!! I don't know!! And the "NEST" tags are awesome, too!! Thank you so much! I am moving Juniper to make workspace! It is going to be chockful of your artwork for inspiration!

    I've been SO busy with this new endeavor, and life in general!!

    Hope you have a lovely day, my friend!!

