Friday, March 26

My Bird Library Grows...

I went for a country drive Wednesday...
Needed to get away from the studio for an hour or two...
Found myself about 45 minutes from home at one
of my daughters favorite antique shops.
Want to share this wonderful find with you!
Birds of America
Copyright 1917 by The University Society, Inc.
Copyright 1936, By Doubleday & Company, Inc.

If you have a chance to borrow this from your
local library or find a used copy... it is a treasure!

Details of eggs, nests, songs etc.

Pretty plates...

Sample of text...

I love when bird books share nest details...

The song!

Wrens and Titmouse... my favorites!

Purple Finch...

So very easy to use... arranged for an artist!
A few examples~
Order of Diving Birds...
Order of Long-Winged Swimmers...
Order of Shore-Birds...
Order of Pigeons and doves...
Order of Goatsuckers, Swifts, Etc.
Order of Perching Birds...

Hope your Friday is off to a great start!
More sketches coming later today~


  1. I have that book too-it is a really good one. I just love collection old books. By the way, I think our lives are running parralel-I got my samples of woven blankets and pillows yesterday too!

  2. Interesting find...I too have a collection of antique bird favorites are the small size bird books from Britain...Susan

  3. Oooooh, such a fabulous find! ~ Angela

  4. Such a beautiful book!! Great find!!

  5. What a lucky find! This is a wonderful book you will look into it often. The fabric samples are very beautiful
    Have a nice weekend,Suzanne

  6. That's a beautiful book ~ what a treasure you found!!

  7. I love titmouses? titmice? too. We have several that come right to our deck doors looking for peanuts. They poke around the whole pile until they find the one they want and then take off with it. They are fun to watch! This book looks like it has a wealth of information.

  8. I have the book as well and love it. Also love your blog,I'm a follower now. Hope you'll check mine.

  9. What a beautiful book! I love those egg pictures especially.

  10. What an exquisite book--beautiful illustrations!

  11. I have this book. It has been on our bookshelves forever... actually my husband had it before I met him. Guess that's why he can identify just about every bird he sees :)

  12. What a fabulous find. Your drawings are exquisite. Happy creating...

  13. I just love bird books and that one looks amazing. We bought one last year that actually has all the birds songs digitally in the book. Just match the page with the right number and you can hear the song. Our 6 year old grandson just loves it, only we had to stop him from pressing the red tailed hawk button in the bird sanctuary. The song birds were nearly having heart attacks LOL! He's been able to make crows answer him back, which just delights him.

  14. I shall be on the lookout for this book. Thanks

  15. magnifique ce livre!

    bonne soirée


  16. Isn't this the book, there speeking of in the book:" The time travelers wife??"
    Such a lovely book!
    I like the egg prints very much!

  17. What a lucky find!! It's gorgeous. I would love to have this book...
