Sunday, January 24

Summer Memories to Paint...

A few of my snapshots from last summer.
I have pulled them out to work on a
floral pieces with hummingbirds!

Instead of the hummer feeder
I will add the bright and rosy flowers...
A different collection of photos that I took
while visiting a friends perennial gardens.

I have several reference books that
help me figure out the exact color...
But who can forget the iridescent hot pink throat
of these sweet little friends?

This extended January thaw has been a
welcome break from the harsh winter~
Photographs are a nice reminder that
warm sunny days are just around the corner!

Hope your day is beautiful!


  1. Michelle-That's so odd-last night I had a dream about hummingbirds! In the dream were hummers of different sizes, and I said,"Wow! I've got to get the feeders out-they're back already!"
    I love signs of spring!

  2. Oh my have the hummers back would be spring for sure. Not around here, it will be the end of March before we will see them here in KY. Michelle, I love the inspirations you give us with all your pictures.
    Hugs, Marcia

  3. Thanks for these beautiful pictures - keeps me hopeful for spring. Wow, maybe I need to get a hummingbird feeder...


  4. Ahhhh.... won't be long now.... :c)

  5. This will certainly be a beautiful painting!
    We do not have these lovely birds in Holland so I never seen one.
    I hope you show the painting some day!!

  6. on facebook someone shared this link:

    it's a live camera on a mama hummingbird and 2 babies in a nest in orange cty, CA.

  7. Thank you very much for the link you sent me.
    Hummingbirds are very beautiful! And those baby’s are so lovely!
    The children loved it too!
