Wednesday, December 9

Vintage Christmas Cards...

One of my favorite Christmas traditions~
Christmas cards!
Vintage images... parchment papers...
I am somehow more familiar with these images
than the ones I see daily.

As a child... I remember
two red and white thumb tack cards in our
collect-all drawer...
The tacks were only used at Christmas time
to put cards up around the door frames~

I loved climbing through mounds of snow...
...clumps of ice inside my boots!

But to finally reach the post box and discover
envelopes from family and friends!

Once opened and read through I was
given the honored duty
to find the perfect place for them...

I have collected vintage pieces for years.
Our family didn't save cards from
year to year...
These are just as dear~
Plus, they don't have the tack holes in the corner!

More to come soon...


  1. These are all so sweet and so much nicer than the ones in stores today. Is it okay if I use them to make some little gift tags for my packages this year?

  2. These are precious... so much sweeter than anything today! I especially like the little angel in pink leading the tiny aqua birds!

    Thanks you so much for sharing!

  3. some of the modern stuff is horrible...and the colours so garish...what became of soft, beautiful and seasonal...where are pinecones, chickadees and snow.... where is old fashioned Father Christmas... horse drawn sleighs....sigh....

  4. I do miss these vintage images... and the beautiful colors!

    Marie...I'm sure you can use them on your tags at home. I don't think they are copyright free (not old enough) so I wouldn't sell tags etc. with these images just yet.

    Yes! I LOVE the little birds...

    Oh BumbleVee (I LOVE that name) I'll be adding more and more with every theme you mentioned... so we'll at least get a peek into the past! :)

    Thanks so much for your notes!

  5. Oh I remember these Christmas cards...I think I have a few just like can tell how old I!
