Wednesday, December 16

Endless Photo Corners...

I like the finishing touch photo corners add.
I have a nice collection of standard black,
white, gold, silver, jewel tones & craft paper...
even clear ones are available in 50+ count packages.
Now I make my own!
This craft punch from a Martha Stewart
collection is my new favorite punch!
Diane Knott was blogging about her Martha
punches... you should take a peek at her projects HERE.

Photo corners from a map...
I'm working on a travel page...
I punched in a solid area so you could see
how the punch makes score lines to fold along.

Somewhere toasty warm!

Finished pieces...

I like how these punches stand up.
Plus the silver icon...

Extras I made while hanging out with our daughter
while she did homework...

Endless possibilities!
I can't wait to add tiny buttons... flowers...
glitter-punched confetti stars...


  1. That looks like fun. Hmmm I have one of those 40% off coupons...

    Thanks for sharing...can't wait to see some of your creations!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  2. Thanks so much for your very kind offer, I think I have tracked them down, now all I need is a word to Santa!

  3. why, why, why did I not know about this punch?! NEED one. now.

  4. Michelle, they're so cool!!! I didn't see that Martha punch at my Michael's store. I will definitely keep my eyes open for one!! Thanks!
    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. We've been up in your neck of the woods, Skaneateles, and absolutley LOVING the SNOW!! It is so beautiful! We shopped and walked and just enjoyed all of the holiday ambiance up there! Now it's back home and nose to the grindstone! ;-)
    But that pays the bills that make it possible to go up to Skaneateles! ;-)

    Hugs, girlfriend!

  5. PS....why did I not see that you linked to my blog! You're a sweetie! But I KNEW that!
    Next time we're going to OMA I'll let you know so we can meet up!
    Hugs!!!! Diane

  6. PSS: Good Morning! Michelle, now that I think about it, I did see that punch somewhere and I wondered what it was! I didn't examine the package close enough! The way you showed in your pictures how it folds over, duh! Why didn't I see this! A picture's worth a thousand words, isn't it! Thanks! Hubby is stopping at W-M this morning! I am going to ask him to check if they have any!

  7. how wonderful are these....I have a friend who loves maps.... what fun to cut and send her these...

  8. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I just found you on Etsy a few weeks ago. I remember you, cause I LOVE your Chickadee paintings. Chickadees are my moms FAVORITE bird! Your work is beautiful! Have a wonderful Holiday! ~hugs~

    I appreciate the good wishes.

    Great idea! I love different punches.

  10. Hi Michelle, it looks like you have been keeping really busy! I love that little gadget you bought, if I could only get back to my scrapbooking! Well, have a blessed Christmas and a healthy 2010!
