Thursday, December 31

Canada Geese... Happy New Year!

Winter Visit (snippet)

Happy New Year!
I hope all of you have been enjoying
the season and making wonderful new memories~

I love the holidays because it means
my hubby and children are on vacation!
Time together is wonderful~

I have had a few deadlines to complete before
some upcoming business travels~
It's a great excuse to set up a table in the
living room to paint on while
we enjoy Christmas movies as a family!

Hope your celebrations are merry & safe~
Wishing each of you all the best in 2010!


  1. So pretty!
    Happy New Year to you Michelle.
    Hope 2010 brings much happiness and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Happy New Year Michelle!!! thanks for stopping over to visit with me:)

  3. Happy New Year! Wishing you and abundance of blessings in 2010!
    LiBBy BuTTons*
