Saturday, November 14

Marbleized... Rare Book Papers...

Look! It isn't a snowman! ha.. ha..

In my daily attempt to keep my studio organized...
(laugh hard!)
I have been sorting through BOXES and envelopes
of antique papers, letters, advertising... etc.
trying to file like-things together.

Sharing some of my marbleized papers that
were saved from old, rare books being discarded.
I did not remove these papers from the books...
I was able to purchase them at various
antique shows, postcard festivals etc.

With the growing popularity of ephemera
people are not discarding half-torn or
water damaged books...
They're trying to preserve some of the
amazing plates, title pages and endpapers.

These are just a few from my collection...

Sorry for blurry...

I discovered a lot of information on the history
of marble papers on the web...
The link below will bring you to YouTube and
various videos on how to marbleize paper.
Marble Paper Projects

I love these art-safe plastic folders.
This one is 16x20
I purchase them from fine art stores.
The sturdy zip closure keeps bugs & dust out and
would protect from water...

Hope your Saturday is off to a great start!


  1. Wow those are lovely.I am a paper junkie..( : You can never have enough paper Right? heheheh.
    Warmest Regards,Cat

  2. Michelle, It's a shame that the old books had acid content that destroyed so many beautiful images.'s that aged look that those of us who do collage actually love!

    I always wonder what our coffee and tea staining is doing to modern acid-free papers and fabrics because
    both liquids are acidic. Ah well...maybe no destruction in our lifetime!


  3. Hi Michelle,

    I made a nice little pile of marbelized paper last fall. It's so easy to do. You need: a cat box with an inch of water in it, Testor's Model paints in your choice of colors, a stir stick to make the designs in the water, and paper. Just put blobs of paint on the water. It's oil based paint, so it will not mix with the water. Now drag a little stick through the paint in your marble design. When you have it how you like, carefully place the paper on top of the paint-right in the water. Lift up by one corner-viola! There's your marbelized paper. Lay it on newspapers to dry. I used medium heavy paper, off white. Hint-gold paint doesn't work well, as it's heavier than the water. This is a fun project to make hang tags with-which I'm doing. Or-you can just stare at your lovely creation!
    PS Sorry to be so long!

  4. I share your love of marbled papers and have been to a few workshops. It is always rewarding to come home with a stack of papers to use "one fine day".

  5. Hi, Michelle! I just happend by chance to find your blog and love it. I never thought to "collect" marbelized paper. Love it. I would consider myself also a "paper junkie."

    My blog is at - it's about our house remodeling journey. What a trip it's been! LOL
