Saturday, November 7

Bird Nest Walk...

This bird was a recycling nut!

We had the most gorgeous fall day!
Grabbed the camera and went for a walk along the canal.

Quick snap shots of the dearest nests...
Once nestled in leaf-covered branches~

Wonder if this nest maker rode on the back
of a sheep... collecting bits of wool!

Weathered... but still holding on!

Little moss carpeting...

Little too high to get to...

Hope your weekend is filled with tiny treasures!


  1. So nice to walk along with you ~ you came across so many nests! And I imagine some of these just might become inspiration to you in one of your lovely drawings :)

    Enjoyed stopping by this morning!
    Kindly, ldh

  2. Yes, lovely to walk with you and watch those nests.

    Truly amazing.

  3. I love birds nests.
    My favorite is the first one. Looks like that bird needs a hourder intervention.

  4. I am sure this nest will turn up in one of your paintings one day!

    Congratulations for your fabric collection, I have only just noticed it, how exciting. Now you must get out your sewing machine and get quilting. All you need is a 48hour day.

  5. I too enjoyed the stroll.

    Hugs from Texas.

  6. Aren't they funny, Michelle! Birds can be like pack rats!

    Hugs! Diane
