Friday, October 2

Pneumonia, Bronchitis...and Needle Felts...

Some new needle felts to share!
These fun fall crows are all available at
Mulberry Hollow
Palmyra, New York

I'm finally strong enough to begin felting,
blogging, painting and cleaning again!
Still fighting off a month-long illness...
Pneumonia & bronchitis!
Not the best way to enter the cold months...

These pieces are approx. 6" tall
Sweet little handfulls!

100% wool...
100% FUN!

I'm hoping to have some new pieces
in my Etsy shop this weekend!

Also going to add a few small fall prints...

I'll be sure to post it here~

Thank you for stopping by!
Sorry to have been away so long~

Wishing you all that is wonderful!


  1. Hi Michelle, Glad to hear that you are regaining you health, strength and vitality a little more each day! Sure do love your felting creations. I'm going to be giving felting a try! These crows are too cute! Can't wait to see your small fall artwork!!

    I'll pray for your continued healing, sweetie!

  2. LOVE these little crows, what adorable little creations!

  3. Hi Michelle~ Hope you continue to feel good! ~Mandy

  4. Dear Michelle, I hope you feel fully recovered soon! Your crows and pumpkins are quite lovely and make a wonderful fall and Halloween treasure.


  5. Hi Michelle, so sorry to hear about your illness, but glad that you have recouped! So stay away from people now and don't catch the flu bug!!! Your little felts are so cute, I love the crows!

  6. So sorry to hear of your health problems, I hope you will soon be feeling felting fit and fighting fit, very soon!

    Take good care of yourself x

  7. these projects are gorgeous! sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you're better soon. The title of this post cracked me up. Nothing like a little blog humor.
