Saturday, July 18

Promised Peeks!

Chipping Sparrows

I've been painting a new collection!
These are a few cropped bits n' pieces to share...


Sweet little Tufted Timouse pair!

More peeks soon...
Hope you have a beautiful weekend!


  1. Hi Michelle! Your new works are as sweet as ever... each one is vibrant and yet subtle and soft. Looking forward to seeing the complete pictures.

  2. such a sweet picture, love them

  3. Ohhh love those. My fav is the chipping sparrows. Colors are so vivid.
    Can't wait to see more.

  4. Beautiful birdies!!!

    Happy day!
    Christina :)

  5. It's always lovely to see your work especially your bird paintings.

    Some of your birds look the same as ours, your sparrows are very similar but we don't have chickadees, mores the pity!

  6. Everything is as beautiful as always! Paintings, photos, etc.!!

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer with those kiddies home!

    Hugs! Diane

  7. Ah, look at those lovely lovely bits and pieces. The colors are so warm and appealing, and the birds are wonderful. Congrats.

  8. Lovely, Michelle! It's so good to see what you've been working on.
    Love, Debra

  9. Hi Michelle~ Love the sweet peeks! Hope you are having a fun summer! ~Mandy

  10. I love them! Are they going to be cards or prints for sale???

  11. Hi Michelle,
    I would love some more information on your collection, they are beatiful! I hope you are having a good summer with your family. It is supposed to be 100 here tomorrow, send water, lol.

  12. Ok you are killing me here!! When can we purchase one of your pieces of lovely art work??!! Can't wait!

    You are so talented! Love seeing what you create!!

    Have a blessed week!

  13. Michelle,
    Hop on over to my blog and see what I did to the book I bought from you.
    Let me know what you think.

  14. Beautiful artwork! Love the colors and all the details.

  15. Oh my goodness!! I've just arrived via 'So Blessed' and I can't get over how beautiful your art work is! I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I didn't even look at all of it, I was so excited, I had to make a comment first! I've never seen your art before, but it does remind me of Marjolein Bastin, although her's seems to be a bit 'tighter'. Now I'm never going to get off this computer--specifically your blog cause I have to look at all your stuff! I won't get to the cleaning today! WOW!!

  16. Oh my goodness!! I just went back to the post and your banner at the top is phenomenal---and I'm not even going to check to see if I spelled that correctly... The colors are so beautiful! I am sitting here THANKING GOD for my eye sight so I can appreciate your work! I'd better quit or people will think you are paying me to say all this stuff!! heehhee

  17. Your new work is so beautiful. I especially love your choice of colours which are energizing. Wonderful work!


  18. Hey Michelle,

    Just wanted to comment on your new works! I saw them on LMC's database and just had to let you know that the bird paintings you've done recently are my favorites!! Your work is wonderful! I'm sure they will be a hit with licensees!

